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研究生(外文):Po-Yu Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Delineation of Fracture Flow Paths Using a Cross-hole Nano-Iron Tracer Test
指導教授(外文):Yeeping ChiaMao-Hua Teng
外文關鍵詞:Fractured rockFlowmeterNanoscale zero-valent ironTracer testFlow path
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經檢討改進後,本研究選擇一口裸井與一口全開篩井,進行第二次跨孔奈米鐵示蹤劑試驗。先利用熱脈衝流速儀調查兩口井的透水裂隙分布情形,並依此選定注入井1.5 m開篩區段,封塞其他區段後,將奈米鐵示蹤劑注入。由觀測井磁鐵陣列吸附奈米鐵的分布情形,可判釋示蹤劑經由裂隙抵達觀測井的深度。試驗結果指出奈米鐵顆粒的回收率高達7.5%,使用區段開篩的注入方式可有效增加奈米鐵顆粒流進岩層裂隙的數目,而奈米鐵吸附量最多的位置,也是熱脈衝流速儀所偵測到的透水裂隙所在位置。本研究也執行跨孔鹽水示蹤劑試驗,試驗成果用以比對兩種示蹤劑的傳輸與延散特性。此外利用MODFLOW和MT3DMS建置一個水文地質概念模型,計算相連透水裂隙之水文地質參數。本研究結果顯示,奈米鐵示蹤劑試驗搭配熱脈衝流速儀試驗,有潛力運用於偵測裂隙岩層中優勢水流路徑。
Recent advances in borehole geophysical techniques have improved characterization of cross-hole fracture flow. The direct detection of preferential flow paths in fractured rock, however, remains to be resolved. Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) has been widely applied to in-situ remediation of groundwater contamination. In this study, a novel approach using nZVI particles as tracers was developed for detecting fracture flow paths directly. As nZVI particles are magnetic, they are attracted to magnets. This feature spurred the development of a magnet array for locating the position of incoming tracers. When nano-iron particles are released in an injection well, they can migrate through the connecting permeable fracture and be attracted to a magnet array when arriving in an observation well. Such an attraction of incoming iron nanoparticles by the magnet can provide quantitative information for locating the position of the tracer inlet.
Two nZVI tracer tests were implemented in fractured rock at a hydrogeological research station in central Taiwan. Generally only a few rock fractures are permeable while most are much less permeable. In the first field test, a series of field experiments were conducted in two open boreholes. A heat-pulse flowmeter can be used to detect changes in flow velocity for delineating permeable fracture zones in the borehole and providing the design basis for the tracer test. The fluid conductivity recorded in the observation well confirmed the arrival of the injected nano-iron slurry. All of the iron nanoparticles attracted to the magnet array in the observation well were found at the depth of a permeable fracture zone delineated by the flowmeter. However, a low mass recovery rate of approximately 0.01% would restrict the potential application of nZVI particles as tracers beyond the experimental range.
In the second field test, the tracer test was intended to carry out between an open hole and a screened well at the hydrogeological research station. Heat-pulse flowmeter tests were conducted to characterize the vertical distribution of permeable zones for locating the screened depth of the injection well. After the sealing of the injection well, the screened section was only 1.5 m. The nZVI slurry was released in the screened injection well. The arrival of the slurry in the observation well was detected by an increase in electrical conductivity, while the depth of the connected fracture was identified by the distribution of nZVI particles attracted to the magnet array. The mass recovery rate in the nZVI tracer test was approximately 7.5%, suggesting the mass recovery was successfully enhanced by hydraulically isolating a permeable segment in the injection well. The position where the maximum weight of attracted nZVI particles was observed coincides with the depth of a permeable fracture zone delineated by the heat-pulse flowmeter. In addition, a saline tracer test produced comparable results with the nZVI tracer test. Numerical simulation was performed using MODFLOW with MT3DMS to estimate the hydraulic properties of the connected fracture zones between the two wells. The study results indicate that the nZVI particle could be a promising tracer for the characterization of flow paths in fractured rock.
口試委員會審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究方法 5
第二章 奈米鐵示蹤劑 7
2.1 奈米鐵的製備 8
2.2 奈米鐵顆粒的團聚與分散劑 11
2.3 奈米鐵示蹤劑的沉降特性 13
2.4 奈米鐵示蹤劑之優點 15
第三章 奈米鐵示蹤劑實驗室試驗 17
3.1 裂隙岩層模擬試驗 17
3.1.1 試驗系統設置 17
3.1.2 試驗過程與結果 19
3.2 單一連通道模擬試驗 19
3.2.1 試驗系統設置 19
3.2.2 試驗過程與結果 21
第四章 現地試驗-裸孔試驗井 24
4.1 和社水文地質試驗井場與試驗井 24
4.1.1 和社水文地質試驗井場 24
4.1.2 試驗井 29
4.2 現地試驗流程 31
4.3 跨孔水力試驗 33
4.4 裂隙分布位態 38
4.5 熱脈衝流速儀試驗 40
4.5.1 熱脈衝流速儀量測方法 40
4.5.2 熱脈衝流速儀試驗結果 43
4.6 奈米鐵示蹤劑試驗 47
4.6.1 現地試驗設置 47
4.6.2 試驗結果 50
4.6.3 奈米鐵示蹤劑傳輸特性與裂隙水流路徑 54
4.6.4 試驗結果水力參數分析 58
4.6.5 試驗結果討論 60
第五章 現地試驗-封塞試驗井 62
5.1 試驗井 62
5.2 現地試驗流程 65
5.3 跨孔水力試驗 67
5.4 熱脈衝流速儀試驗 70
5.5 W6試驗井封塞 74
5.6 鹽水示蹤劑試驗 76
5.6.1 實驗配置 76
5.6.2 試驗結果分析 79
5.7 奈米鐵示蹤劑試驗 81
5.7.1 實驗配置 81
5.7.2 試驗結果分析 84
5.7.3 跨孔之地下水流路徑 89
第六章 數值模擬 91
6.1 GMS數值模擬軟體 91
6.2 數學模式:地下水流動與溶質傳輸 93
6.3 地下水流動與溶質傳輸模式設定 94
6.4 鹽水示蹤劑試驗模擬結果 98
6.5 奈米鐵示蹤劑模擬結果 100
第七章 討論 103
7.1 奈米鐵示蹤劑與鹽水示蹤劑之比較 103
7.2 奈米鐵沉降效應與回收率 105
7.3 奈米鐵化學反應及滯留機制 107
第八章 結論與建議 110
8.1 結論 110
8.2 建議 112
參考文獻 113
附錄A 和社試驗井場岩心品質指標(RQD)與岩心破裂面指數(FI) 126
附錄B 和社試驗井場導水系數 130
附錄C 奈米鐵示蹤劑現地試驗之磁鐵陣列中釹鐵硼磁鐵吸附重量 134
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