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研究生(外文):Chun-Ting Pan
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Acidic Pretreatments on Trivalent Chromium Conversion Coating on Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3
外文關鍵詞:Aluminum alloy 2024-T3PrecipitatesAcidic pretreatmentTrivalent chromium conversion coating
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析出相主要有兩支:(1) Al-Cu-Mg析出相(2) Al-Cu-Fe-Mn析出相,前者較底材活性後者則較鈍態。在硝酸酸洗處理下,Al-Cu-Mg相有去合金化的現象,處理時間越長則越明顯,對於Al-Cu-Fe-Mn相的影響不太大,大部分析出物依然保持完整;Deoxidizer 6酸洗處理對兩種析出物展現很強的侵蝕能力,Deoxidizer 6處理過後Al-Cu-Mg相幾乎被侵蝕殆盡而Al-Cu-Fe-Mn相則形成蜂窩狀的表面,試樣表面有一層Cr氧化物生成。硝酸處理三價鉻化成較Deoxidizer 6處理的三價鉻化成能抵抗鹽霧測試。以SEM觀察鹽霧測試後的試片,兩者有相似構造的腐蝕產物,而Deoxidizer 6處理過後有較大規模的腐蝕跡象。
Aluminum alloy 2024-T3 has widely been utilized in the aircraft industry because of the high mechanism strength and low-weight. Adding alloy elements into aluminum substrate improve the mechanism strength but reduce the corrosion resistance. To improve corrosion resistance, conversion coating has been conducted on aluminum alloy 2024-T3. Hexavalent chromium conversion coating once is a choice of conversion coating; However, Hexavalent chromium is a toxic substance and harm both human and environment. Therefore, substitutions are necessary. Trivalent chromium conversion coating is a potential substitution for hexavalent chromium; However, Trivalent chromium conversion isn’t as good as Hexavalent chromium in corrosion resistance and doesn’t exhibit self-healing behavior. Modification of the processing procedure is hence necessary to improve the anti-corrosion property of trivalent chromium conversion coating.
There are two series of precipitates in aluminum alloy 2024-T3: Al-Cu-Mg and Al-Cu-Fe-Mn, former is more active than matrix and the latter is more noble than matrix. After the acidic pretreatment of nitric acid, Al-Cu-Mg precipitates dealloy. The extent of dealloying is more obvious when the processing time goes. Al-Cu-Fe-Mn precipitates have little influence during the procedure. Both type of precipitates are eroded severely especially Al-Cu-Mg precipitates during acidic pretreatment of Deoxidizer 6, and grew a thin layer of Cr oxides on the surface. The specimens treated by nitric acid exhibit better corrosion resistance than those treated by Deoxidizer 6 in salt spray test. Dome-like corrosion product can be observe on the specimens treated by both parameters but the large scale corrosion only can be observed in specimens treated by Deoxidizer 6.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
一.前言 1
二.文獻探討 2
2-1 鋁合金介紹 2
2-1-1 鋁及鋁合金 2
2-1-2 鋁合金分類 5
2-1-3 鋁合金析出物 7
2-2 鋁合金腐蝕行為 10
2-2-1 鋁的腐蝕行為 10
2-2-2 鋁合金析出物的腐蝕行為 12
2-3 鋁合金表面處理 16
2-3-1 改質前處理 16
2-3-2 化成處理 21
2-3-3 六價鉻化成處理 25
2-3-4 三價鉻化成處理 29
三.實驗參數與步驟 34
3-1 試片前處理 34
3-2 製程參數 34
3-3 微結構分析 36
3-3-1 掃描式電子顯微鏡 36
3-3-2 能量散布光譜儀 37
3-3-3 歐傑電子能譜儀 38
3-4 腐蝕測試 38
3-4-1 鹽霧測試 38
四.實驗結果與討論 39
4-1 鋁合金2024-T3底材分析 39
4-1-1 ICP-MS化學成分分析 39
4-1-2 底材表面形貌分析 39
4-2 前處理與三價鉻化成之表面分析 43
4-2-1 表面巨觀觀察 43
4-2-2 表面微觀觀察 45
4-3 腐蝕測試後之表面分析 58
4-3-1 表面巨觀觀察 58
4-3-2 表面微觀觀察 60
4-4討論 67
五.結論 69
未來展望 71
參考文獻 72
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