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研究生(外文):Yi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Surface Morphology and Coating Property of Electrical Steel
外文關鍵詞:Electrical steelinsulating coatingantimonyoxidation layeradhesion property
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Electrical steel is a functional material, also known as silicon steel, mainly used in the core of generators, motors or transformers. The insulating coating, coated the electrical steel, has the function of providing the insulating property and the corrosion resistance. In addition to the insulating property and corrosion resistance, the adhesion property of the coating is also the element that determining the quality of the coating. China Steel Corporation is currently developing a trivalent chromium coating (C628). This coating has a good adhesion property on some specific grades of electrical steels, but some are not. According to experimental observation, different alloying elements or annealing temperature will seriously affect the adhesion property of the coating. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the surface properties of the electrical steel and the adhesion property of the coating. Hoping to make the current use of the insulating coating more comprehensive by solving the problem that affect the adhesion property.
In this study, the surface reactivity of the electrical steels with different alloying elements is analyzed. The microstructural observation showed that the structure and the composition of the oxidation layer on the surface of each type of steels are different. For example, the surface of the 35CS250 electrical steel was a mixed layer with alumina and iron oxide, the average thickness of the layer is about 25nm; the surface of the 35CS250H electrical steel is only an alumina layer, the average thickness of the layer is about 10nm. The difference of the structure affects the reactivity of the coating process, resulting in the difference in the bonding strength of the coating-substrate interface, which affects the adhesion property of the insulating coating.
In addition to the surface structure, the property of the coating, with or without passing the stress relief annealing (SRA) process, were also studied. By microstructure observation, found that there were several major differences on the different adhesion property of coating. That is the thickness of the insulating coating and the size of the crack after annealing. The phenomenon of crack formation is mainly due to the crack of resin, resulting in the volume shrinkage of the coating during annealing. It is found that the adhesion property of the coating is related to the size of the crack after annealing. The average crack size of the coating on the 35CS250 electrical steel is about 350nm, having better adhesion property after annealing. The average crack size of the coating on the 35CS250H electrical steel is about 450nm, having poor adhesion property after annealing.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
總目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 電磁鋼片特性 3
2.1.1 鐵損值 3
2.1.2 合金元素比例與晶粒大小 5
2.2 銻的效益 9
2.2.1 提升電磁特性 9
2.2.2 表面氧化層改變 12
2.3 電磁鋼片絕緣塗膜 14
2.3.1 塗膜目的 14
2.3.2 塗膜組成 16
2.3.3 塗膜特性 20
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 23
3.1 實驗方法與流程 23
3.1.1 實驗方法 23
3.1.2 實驗流程 24
3.2 塗膜製程 25
3.3 塗膜高溫退火 25
3.4 塗膜結構分析 26
3.4.1 表面形貌觀察 26
3.4.2 橫截面結構觀察 26
3.4.3 聚焦離子束顯微系統試片製備 27
3.5 塗膜特性檢測 27
3.5.1 附著性檢測 27
3.5.2 鹽霧試驗 27
3.5.3 動電位極化曲線分析 28
3.5.4 交流阻抗法 28
第四章 結果與討論 29
4.1 底材反應性分析 29
4.1.1 表面色澤分析 29
4.1.2 氧化層結構分析 31
4.1.3 氧化層緻密性分析 36
4.1.4 氧化層緻密性與塗料反應性 43
4.2 添加銻元素的影響 47
4.2.1 銻元素的添加 47
4.2.2 銻元素對氧化層結構影響 50
4.3 塗膜附著性比較 52
4.4 塗膜的結構分析 53
4.4.1 塗膜橫結構觀察 54
4.4.2 退火後裂紋的成因 60
4.4.3 表面形貌差異分析 63
4.4.4 實驗室塗膜觀察分析 74
4.5 抗蝕能力分析 77
4.5.1 鹽霧試驗 77
4.5.2 極化曲線分析 79
第五章 結論 80
第六章 未來展望 82
第七章 參考文獻 83
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