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研究生(外文):Chun-Lin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Silicon and Aluminum Addition on Precipitation Behaviors of carbides and Phase Transformation Kinetics of Ferrite in Interphase Precipitation Strengthened Steels
外文關鍵詞:interphases precipitationsiliconaluminumtitaniummolybdenumtransmission electron microscope
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In steel, it will be added some alloy elements to improve its strength, toughness. mechanical properties. Silicon and Aluminum are the common alloy elements in it. They both are ferrite stabilizer elements. In this study, there are titanium and molybdenum which precipitate nanometer carbides to interphase-precipitated strengthen in materials. Consequently, the goal of this study is to discuss the interaction of interphase precipitation strengthened steels with the addition of silicon and aluminum.
Through the different heat treatment, we also can observe different characteristics of steel. By dual-phase holding temperature lowing, the grain size becomes small and harder; by increasing austenitization temperature, grain size generally increases but the values of hardness also increases. Through transmission electron microscope, there are intense interphase-precipitated carbides in steel at the higher austenitization temperature, and it contributes more strength to steel, becomes stronger.
Replacing some silicon by aluminum can give rise to different effect. The aluminum can accelerate the growth of the ferrite. It is not only can be observed by optical microscope but also in TTT curve. The TTT curve will move to the left when adding aluminum to steel. The aluminum can make the whole phase transformation earlier. On the other hand, the silicon has an outstanding influence of solid solution strengthening and makes the phase region of ferrite bigger. However, it tends to precipitate big size carbides at high temperature and to weaken the mechanism of interphase precipitation strengthening.
口試委員會審定書 #
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Chapter 1 研究背景 1
Chapter 2 文獻回顧 2
2.1 相變態反應 2
2.1.1 肥粒鐵 5
2.1.2 麻田散鐵 6
2.2 強化機制 8
2.2.1 固溶強化 9
2.2.2 細晶強化 11
2.2.3 加工硬化 12
2.2.4 第二相強化 13
2.2.5 析出硬化 14
2.3 界面析出機制 16
2.3.1 平整界面析出 17
2.3.2 曲面界面析出 18
2.4 合金元素對鋼鐵性質的影響 20
2.4.1 矽 21
2.4.2 鋁 22
2.4.3 鈦 23
2.4.4 鉬 23
Chapter 3 實驗設計與步驟 25
3.1 實驗材料與試片準備 25
3.2 實驗步驟及使用儀器 26
3.2.1 熱處理設計 27
3.2.2 金相 29
3.2.3 微硬度測試 29
3.2.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡試片製作與觀察 30
Chapter 4 實驗結果與討論 31
4.1 同成份不同兩相持溫溫度鋼材之討論 31
4.1.1 同成份不同兩相持溫溫度鋼材金相圖比較 32
4.1.2 同成份不同兩相持溫溫度鋼材硬度值比較 36
4.1.3 同成份不同兩相持溫溫度鋼材之TEM觀察 38
4.2 不同成份鋼材之討論 41
4.2.1 不同成份鋼材金相圖比較 42
4.2.2 不同成份鋼材硬度值比較 46
4.2.3 不同成份鋼材之TEM觀察 49
4.3 同成份不同沃斯田鐵化溫度鋼材之討論 54
4.3.1 同成份不同沃斯田鐵化溫度鋼材金相圖比較 55
4.3.2 同成份不同沃斯田鐵化溫度鋼材硬度值比較 60
4.3.3 同成份不同沃斯田鐵化溫度鋼材之TEM觀察 63
4.4 相變曲線TTT Diagram 72
Chapter 5 結論 78
同成份不同兩相持溫溫度鋼材之討論: 78
不同成份鋼材之討論: 78
同成份不同沃斯田鐵化溫度鋼材之討論: 78
相變曲線TTT Diagram: 78
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