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研究生(外文):Hsuan-Yu Chou
論文名稱(外文):A study of the effect of medical ultrasound on the setting and heating behaviors of bone cements
外文關鍵詞:bone cementultrasoundsetting behaviorcavitation effect
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醫療用超音波因為具有加熱與增快物質傳遞的功能,期望可以運用在以下的研究中,達到加速骨水泥的固化的效果,並加以控制骨水泥固化的時間與位置。實驗結果顯示:在開放系統中,商用Simplex P骨水泥固化時間在超音波輔助下由14分鐘縮短至5分鐘。另外,超音波在通過高密度組織(例如:骨頭)後,仍具有顯著的輔助作用,固化時間得以縮短至6分鐘。並且隨著超音波參數不同,固化曲線出現了雙峰與平頂現象。
同時,研究發現當施加的強度增加時,超音波的空蝕現象除了加速骨水泥的固化外,亦會使骨水泥中的孔洞數量與大小增加。施加超音波對固化後骨水泥的強度影響也因骨水泥流動性不同而有程度上的影響。當超音波瓦數增加至4瓦時,高流動性Simplex P骨水泥的降伏強度會由原本的96 MPa下降至65MPa。
Acrylic-based bone cements have always been an important role in orthopedic surgeries. It has been widely applied to anchor artificial implants as well as filling bone voids and cracks. Mostly, the cements are either hand-kneaded or injected into the desired location during their working phases. But one of the problems related to injection is that cement leakages may occur after injection since cements usually possess low viscosities during injection. These leakages could lead to complications such as spinal compressions and blood vessels thermal damage.
With the ability to generate heat and accelerate mass transfer, medical ultrasound was applied to speed up the polymerization reaction of the bone cements in the present study. Results showed that with the aid of ultrasound, the setting time of commercial Simplex P bone cement could be shortened from 14 min to 5 min. Even after the attenuation through hard tissues, ultrasound still showed a remarkable influence by shortening the setting time to 6min. Two-peak phenomenon and plateaued curves were also observed depending on the ultrasound operation parameters.
When the operating intensities increased, the cavitation effect of ultrasound also increased the pores’ sizes and amounts of the bone cements. This resulted in the decrement of yield strengths of Simplex P bone cements from 96 MPa to 65 MPa when the operation intensity was increased to 4 W.
國立台灣大學碩士學位論文口試委員會審定書 I
誌謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
Contents V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 The outline of dissertation 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 N-isopropyl acrylamide based hydrogel (NIPAAM) 4
2.2 Bone cement 6
2.2.1 Acrylic-based bone cement 6
2.2.2 Setting curve of bone cement 8
2.2.3 Complications related to bone cements 9
2.2.4 Surgical Simplex P bone cement 11
2.3 Power ultrasound application 12
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedures 14
3.1 Processing of NIPAAM 14
3.2 Characterizations of NIPAAM 15
3.2.1 Cloud point determination 15
3.2.2 Compression test 17
3.2.3 Water content determination 18
3.2.4 Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) 18
3.3 Processing of bone cement 21
3.3.1 Poly-methyl methacrylate beads synthesis 21
3.3.2 Sieving the beads 22
3.3.3 Bone cement formulations 23
3.4 Characterizations of bone cement 24
3.4.1 Optical microscopy 24
3.4.2 Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy characterization 27
3.4.3 Thermogravimetric Analysis 28
3.4.4 Compressive strength characterization 30
Chapter 4 Results 32
4.1 Effect of bead diameter 32
4.2 Effect of ambient temperature 33
4.3 Effect of heating plate 34
4.4 Effect of ultrasound operation through NIPAAM phantom 36
4.4.1 Experimental set up 36
4.4.2 Results 38
4.5 Effect of ultrasound operation on injected bone cement 42
4.5.1 Experimental set up 42
4.5.2 Results – setting characteristics 42
4.5.3 Results – compression tests 45
4.5.4 Results – microstructures 46
4.6 Effect of ultrasound operation in 36 C water tank 48
4.6.1 Experimental set up 48
4.6.2 Results – setting characteristics 49
4.6.3 Results – compression tests 53
4.6.4 Results – microstructures 55
4.7 Attenuation test of ultrasound 57
4.7.1 NIPAAM phantom 58
4.7.2 Bone cement 58
4.7.3 Real bones 61
4.8 Effect of ultrasound operation through bones 62
4.8.1 Experimental set up 62
4.8.2 Results 64
4.9 Effect of ultrasound operation on the rheology of bone cement 66
4.9.1 Experimental set up 66
4.9.2 Results 68
4.10 Ultrasound image observation on the rheology of bone cement 69
4.10.1 Experimental set up 69
4.10.2 Results 71
Chapter 5 Discussions 73
5.1 Relationships between mechanical properties of NIPAAM phantom 73
5.2 Mechanics involved in the heat up of bone cements 74
5.3 Differentiation of temperature to time curve 76
5.4 Different experimental set ups and their influences on bone cements 85
5.5 Ultrasound effect on microstructures of different types of bone cements 87
5.6 Ultrasound attenuation of same medium at different rigidity 92
Chapter 6 Conclusions 94
References 96
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