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研究生(外文):Shao-Chun Chang
論文名稱:寄生蜂Psyttalia fletcheri(膜翅目:繭蜂科)對不同寄主植物瓜實蠅幼蟲之偏好性研究
論文名稱(外文):Host preferences of the parasitoid wasp Psyttalia fletcheri (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for melon fly larvae from different host plants
外文關鍵詞:parasitoid waspmelon flyhost preference
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瓜實蠅類對於台灣瓜果類收成一直以來都造成極大的危害,對於瓜實蠅使用寄生蜂的生物防治研究在國外已行之有年,但在台灣卻相對地少有發展,且根據過去的研究結果得知使用寄生蜂的生物防治效果不彰。Psyttalia fletcheri為一種瓜實蠅的幼蟲寄生蜂且最近在台灣開始被做為生物防治工具進行研究,然而我們對其了解甚少。Psyttalia fletcheri在其寄主仍在瓜果內部時即開始尋找,在過去的研究中也有提及寄生蜂對於寄生在不同種植物宿主中的同種蠅類宿主有其選擇的偏好性,這樣的結果讓我們將過去的施用失敗的原因可以歸於對於寄生蜂於寄主在不同作物上的偏好性的不了解。因此這本試驗中我們進行寄生蜂的偏好性實驗,藉此了解Psyttalia fletcheri對於寄生於不同寄主植物的瓜實蠅幼蟲是否會有不同的產卵偏好性,首先我們將瓜實蠅幼蟲分別接種於絲瓜、木瓜、香瓜及小黃瓜上,產出四種不同寄主植物品系之瓜實蠅種源。然後我們對於上述四種接種之情形進行Psyttalia fletcheri的兩兩配對的偏好性試驗,將四種寄主植物的情況共分成六組進行試驗,了解Psyttalia fletcheri於兩種來自不同植物的寄主存在時的寄生情況。再進行將四種接種情況一併給予Psyttalia fletcheri的偏好性選擇實驗,藉此了解在面對多種寄主植物之寄主的情況時,Psyttalia fletcheri的寄生情況是否有變。另外,為了確認寄生蜂不單是受瓜實蠅幼蟲,而同時也有受到其寄生的果實的吸引,也對Psyttalia fletcheri進行未接種瓜實蠅幼蟲之果實的偏好性試驗。結果顯示不論是在不同果實兩兩配對的試驗或是四種果實一起給予的試驗中,同為葫蘆科的三種果實絲瓜、小黃瓜以及香瓜對於寄生蜂在偏好性的選擇上皆高於番木瓜科的木瓜,而葫蘆科三種果實中絲瓜以及小黃瓜沒有明顯差異,但當僅將香瓜與兩者相比較時,可以發現香瓜的寄生蜂羽化率低於絲瓜,因此可推斷寄生蜂在不同葫蘆科果實中有著產卵成功的差異在,顯示寄生蜂於這些果實中生長是會有機會影響其族群延續的。另外在未接種瓜實蠅幼蟲的果實試驗中,不論是將已成熟果實或是受瓜實蠅幼蟲蛀食後的腐爛果實互相比較,結果都顯示Psyttalia fletcheri並未對無瓜實蠅幼蟲存在之果實有偏好性在,因此可推斷在吸引寄生蜂產卵的因子方面,僅有果實是無法讓寄生蜂產生產卵偏好差異的,同時有瓜實蠅幼蟲以及寄生蜂偏好的產卵果實才會讓Psyttalia flrtcheri有最大的產卵意願。綜合此次試驗所得出的結果,未來如希望利用Psyttalia fletcheri在田間進行田間防治,可優先考慮施用在絲瓜、小黃瓜等較受其偏好的葫蘆科植物上,並期望可以在未來找到更多Psyttalia fletcheri有偏好性的作物,增加其進行天敵防治的可能性。
Melon flies have caused a big problem in our melon industry. The biological control of using parasitoid wasps to control melon flies has been studied for more than half century, but otherwise seldom been studied in Taiwan; and the previous studies showed that using of parasitoid wasp in Taiwan was not so effective. Psyttalia fletcheri is a larval parasitoid wasp of melon fly and recently it has studied as a biocontrol agent for controlling melon flies in Taiwan, but so far, we still have only limited information about it. Psyttalia fletcheri finds its host larvae when they are still inside the host melons. Some previous studies showed that parasitoid wasps have host preference when facing same fly species on different host plants. It makes us think about that the failure of parasitoid wasps using before was probably due to the unknown of their host preferences. So we preformed the host preference tests to see if Psyttalia fletcheri have preference when facing the different larvae of melon flies bred on different host plants. We first bred melon flies on four different host plants: luffa, papaya, honeydew and cucumber to get four different melon fly stocks, then preforming the dual choice tests for those parasitoid wasps on those four stocks of fly larvae two by two. Furthermore, we also did the tests by setting all the four stocks together at the same time for Psyttalia fletcheri to select in order to know how the wasp select when facing multiple melon fly larvae from different host plants, the oviposition behavior of Psyttalia fletcheri will be changed or not. On the other hand, to make sure that Psyttalia fletcheri was attracted not only by the larvae but also by the fruits. The dual test of fruits without larvae was done. The results showed that both in dual choice test and combination test, those fly larvae on the three Cucurbitaceae crops (luffa, cucumber, and honeydew) have higher host preference for parasitoid wasps than that on the papaya which belonging to the family Caricaceae. Comparing the three Cucurbitaceae crops, no significant difference was found for luffa and cucumber. But when comparing honeydew with others, the wasps show lower host preference for honeydew than luffa. It leads us to the conclusion that there are still different host preferences in the family of Cucurbitaceae for the Psyttalia fletcheri. And the dual tests without larvae showed that no matter the crops are matured or rotten and damaged by larvae, Psyttalia fletcheri seems have no specific preference on either fruit. So it tells us that the parasitoid wasps do not show any preference when facing different crops without larvae. Combining all the results in this study, if we try to use Psyttalia fletcheri as a biocontrol agent, it is better to use on those farms of Cucurbitaceae crops, such as luffa or cucumber, which would have higher host preference for parasitoid wasps. And we hope to find more crops preferred by Psyttalia fletcheri to gain higher efficiency of using this wasp in the biological control in the future.
中文摘要 3
英文摘要 5
表目錄 9
圖目錄 11
壹、前言 12
貳、往昔研究 14
一、瓜實蠅 (Bactrocera cucurbitae) 之危害及防治 14
二、果實蠅類之寄生蜂生物防治 -沿革 14
參、材料與方法 18
一、試驗蟲源 - 瓜實蠅 18
二、試驗蟲源 - 寄生蜂Psyttalia fletcheri 18
三、 寄主植物偏好性試驗之試驗用蟲準備 18
四、兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗 18
五、四種寄主植物偏好性試驗 19
六、無幼蟲純果實偏好性試驗 19
七、數據分析 20
肆、結果 21
一、兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗 21
(一)絲瓜/木瓜兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗結果 21
(二)絲瓜/小黃瓜兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗結果 21
(三)絲瓜/香瓜兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗結果 21
(四) 木瓜/小黃瓜兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗結果 21
(五) 木瓜/香瓜兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗結果 22
(六) 小黃瓜/香瓜兩種寄主植物偏好性試驗結果 22
二、四種寄主植物偏好性試驗 22
三、無幼蟲純果實偏好性實驗 23
(一)成熟果實組 23
(二)腐爛果實組 23
伍、討論 24
陸、結論 30
參考文獻 31
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