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研究生(外文):Chih-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Comparative Analysis of Fiduciary Duties between theU.S. and Taiwan-Lessons from the Restatement (Third) of Trusts-
外文關鍵詞:duty of trusteefiduciary dutyduty of prudenceduty of loyaltyduty of impartialityincome productivityduty to diversify
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Taiwan has introduced Trust Law for more than two decades during which political and economic changes make the existing Trust Law no longer a fit and proper legislation, and as Taiwan becomes an aged society, the use of trust would certainly increase. Also, the trends in drafting practices are to leave the protection of settlor objectives and beneficiary interests primarily to the fiduciary duties imposed upon trustees. To ensure that the purpose of trust could be accomplished, the legislation concerning the duties of trustees shall be carefully reviewed. In response to the newest Trust Law amendment proposal, this thesis bases on lessons learned from Restatement (Third) of Trust, compares different regulations, makes references to the cases and academic views of the U.S., and then attempts to provide suggestions for the amendment.
The first chapter of this thesis is the preface. The second chapter first introduces the term “fiduciary duty” and analyzes the merits of including this general concept. Considering the concept of fiduciary duty has already been embodied in different specific duties, this thesis suggests that we need not codify the concept. The third chapter discusses whether there is sufficient justification for introducing the duty to administer. In terms of legislation, codifying the duty to administer could avoid debate over the administration of trustees and provide a clear guidance for trustees. Therefore, this article recommends codifying the duty to administer (including ascertaining the duties and powers of the trusteeship, the beneficiaries and purposes of the trust; collecting and protecting trust property; managing the trust estate to provide returns or other benefits from trust property; and applying or distribviiiuting trust income and principal). The fourth chapter probes whether the existing regulation fits the current circumstances, and then suggests that duty to earmark trust property is needed to eliminate all of the potentially conflicting interests occasions.
The fifth chapter concerning the duty of prudence first analyzes if the test of prudence should vary depending on whether the trustee receives compensation. By comparing trust with the contract of mandate in Taiwan’s Civil Code and the idea of Company, this thesis suggests that, to reconcile Trust Law with Civil Code and Company Act, the duty of prudence should not depend on being compensated or not. As to the question of whether the settlor could modify the standard of care and whether there is a limit, to maintain the flexibility of trust and consider the need of settlor to draft around fiduciary rules in order to effectuate his or her purpose, the settlor who wishes to modify the standard of care shall be free to do so, but with a limit not to absolve the liability for gross negligence. This thesis further suggests that the standard of care shall include the subjective test that takes the trustee’s special skills into account and makes the trust administration more efficient in turn.
The sixth chapter studies the duty of loyalty. The chapter starts with the issue of whether the duty of loyalty shall require a trustee to administer the trust “solely in the interest of the beneficiary” or “in the best interest of the beneficiary”. In light of the monitoring problem, the important protection provided by the sole interest rule, and the comparison between the trust law and the law of corporations, this thesis takes the view that the legislation of Taiwan shall adopt the sole interest rule. This chapter then reviews the duty of loyalty articles of the Trust Law amendment proposal, on the basis that the trust law policy is to prefer to remove altogether the occasions of temptation rather than to monitor fiduciary behavior, this thesis recommends the Trust Law amendment proposal shall prohibit conflicted transactions in which the risk outweigh the gain, such as employing trustee’s family members and taking advantage of a trust opportunity for personal gain, and allow the conflicted but benign transactions, such as loans by trustees personally with reasonable interest and trustees dealings with beneficiaries. In addition, this chapter analyzes the queries advanced by scholars with respect to article 34 of Taiwan’s Trust Law and agrees with the view that the article shall be abolished.
The seventh chapter affirms the regulation of duty of impartiality in the Trust Law amendment proposal. The eighth chapter discusses the duty to diversify, considering that a diversified portfolio can eliminate a significant amount of risk and stabilize the return, this thesis is deeply convinced that the amendment proposal shall include the duty to diversify. The ninth chapter recommends that the amendment proposal sets the duration for records and accounts keeping to 15 years. The tenth chapter argues that the rationale of the duty to furnish information and the asymmetrical information problem justify requiring the trustee to proactively furnish information to fairly representative beneficiaries. The eleventh chapter introduces the duty with respect to co-trustees in the U.S. and endorses Taiwan’s regulation that trust shall be jointly administered by all the trustees.
The twelfth chapter regarding the duty with respect to delegation first points out that excusing the trustee who made improper delegation merely because the delegate did not act unreasonably would encourage trustees to betray the confidences reposed in them, and considers the interrelationship between Taiwan’s Civil Code and Trust Law, this thesis argues that the liability for improper delegations shall be absolute. Next, the chapter makes the point that article 25 of the amendment proposal might hinder trust from getting astute investment advice, and the law shall allow the cost of delegation be paid from trust property when both the delegation and the cost are proper. The end of this chapter proposes that, in view of the monitoring problem and risk allocation, Taiwan’s Trust Enterprise Act shall include the liability rule with respect to the improper delegation.
The above analysis shows that the existing Trust Law and the amendment proposal could be further improved. This thesis intends to provide guidance to the amendment of Trust Law and attempts to suggest an enforceable trust law amendment proposal on the theory level. It is expected that through taking advantage of the experience from the Restatement (Third) of Trust, the trust scheme in Taiwan could be both theoretically and practically justified, thereby illuminates deeper debates about trust issues.
中文摘要 v
Abstract viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 2
第三節 論文架構 2
第四節 基本名詞對照 3
第二章 信賴義務 5
第一節 概論 5
第二節 美國法 6
第三節 我國法之省思 7
第三章 一般管理義務 8
第一節 美國法 8
第一項 確認義務 8
第二項 保存信託財產義務 9
第三項 增進收益義務 12
第四項 運用分配信託財產之義務 12
第二節 我國法 16
第三節 省思與移植 16
第一項 美國法之訴訟上攻防義務案例評析 16
第二項 我國法之檢討 21
第四章 分別管理義務 23
第一節 美國法 23
第一項 概論 23
第二項 違反標記義務之指標案例 25
第二節 台灣法 25
第一項 現行法 25
第二項 修法草案 26
第三節 省思與移植 27
第一項 美國法上法律效果之評析 27
第二項 我國法之檢討 30
第五章 注意義務 33
第一節 美國法上之謹慎義務 33
第一項 謹慎義務之放寬與界線 33
第二項 謹慎義務之判斷時點 34
第三項 專家意見作為保護屏障之界線 35
第四項 處分信託財產時之謹慎義務 37
第五項 處理稅務時之謹慎義務 39
第二節 台灣法 41
第三節 省思與移植 43
第一項 受有報酬是否影響注意義務之標準 43
第二項 注意義務之放寬與界線 45
第三項 美國法上謹慎義務與我國注意義務標準之調和 49
第四項 營業信託注意義務之檢討 50
第五項 再建構我國法之受託人注意義務 52
第六章 忠實義務 54
第一節 美國法 54
第一項 不可分割之忠實義務 55
第二項 忠實不可分割之例外 57
第三項 自己交易 65
第四項 其他利益衝突之情形 68
第五項 與受益人交易 72
第六項 保密義務 73
第七項 與公司法忠實義務之區辨 73
第二節 台灣法 75
第一項 現行信託法 75
第二項 信託法修法草案 77
第三項 信託業法 80
第三節 省思與移植 81
第一項 最佳利益或唯一利益之論辯 81
第二項 反思我國之忠實義務規範 84
第七章 公平義務與增進收益義務 101
第一節 美國法 101
第一項 公平義務 101
第二項 增進收益之義務 108
第三項 增進收益義務與公平義務之適用差異 109
第四項 對於相繼受益人之義務 110
第五項 公益信託下的增進收益義務 114
第二節 省思與移植 114
第一項 公平義務之增訂 114
第二項 應否引入增進收益義務 115
第八章 分散投資義務 116
第一節 美國法 116
第一項 概論 116
第二項 無需分散投資之情形 118
第二節 省思與移植 121
第一項 美國法上保留條款之檢討 121
第二項 我國法之建構 122
第九章 帳簿作成義務 123
第一節 美國法 123
第一項 概論 123
第二項 帳簿作成義務與信託條款調整之界線 124
第三項 經法院承認之帳簿 125
第二節 省思與移植 127
第一項 台灣法 127
第二項 回顧與借鑑 128
第十章 資訊提供義務 132
第一節 美國法 132
第一項 概論 132
第二項 預期享有信託利益者請求信託資訊 136
第三項 信託條款對於資訊提供之限制 137
第四項 受託人得否拒絕提供資訊 138
第二節 省思與移植 140
第一項 我國法 140
第二項 我國法之檢討 140
第十一章 關於共同受託人之義務 142
第一節 美國法 142
第一項 概論 142
第二項 授權予其他共同受託人 145
第三項 共同受託人意見不一致 145
第二節 省思與移植 146
第一項 移植與否之探討 146
第二項 我國法之檢討 147
第十二章 授權他人處理信託事務時之義務 150
第一節 美國法 150
第一項 概論 150
第二項 得授權之管理行為 152
第三項 受任人與受託人之責任與報酬 154
第二節 台灣法 156
第一項 現行法 156
第二項 修法草案 156
第三節 省思與移植 157
第一項 受託人得授權之界線 157
第二項 我國現行信託法與修法草案之檢討 158
第三項 營業信託之授權責任檢討 161
第十三章 結論 164
參考文獻 169
附錄一 175
附錄二 180
附錄三 189
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