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研究生(外文):Tsung-Chiang Wang
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation and Property Analysis of Open Cavities with New Structures
指導教授(外文):Kwo-Ray Chu
外文關鍵詞:microwaveopen cavitieswaveguidesnumerical simulationresonant frequencyquality factor
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本論文內容的探討主要圍繞著不同型式的開口式共振腔,開口式共振腔普遍應用在研究磁旋調速管(gyroklystron)、磁旋管(gyrotron)以及磁旋振盪管(gyromonotron oscillator)當中。開口式共振腔與閉口式共振腔的差別在於前者沒有明確的邊界條件,後者有明確的邊界條件,導致前者並無解析解後者有解析解,因此我們運用程式做數值模擬,從中了解物理的現象及意義。
The main discussions of the thesis around different open cavities, Open cavities are commonly used in gyroklystron, gyrotron and gyromonotron oscillator. The differences between open cavities and enclosed cavities are the former lack of a well-defined geometrical boundary and the later has a well-defined boundary. Under this condition causes, the former has an analytical solution and the later hasn’t an analytical solution.
Hence, we understand its physical property and phenomenon by numerical simulation.
This content begins with basic theorem for time-domain and spectral-domain model. Then, we will introduce the math theorem and boundary conditions in our numerical computation. In the time-domain model, we will discuss what impact resonant frequency and quality factor. In the spectral-domain model, we will introduce two measurement methods. Then, we compare the differences in resonant frequency and quality factor between time-domain and spectral-domain model. Finally, we try to simulation new structures and give an appropriate physical explanation for the results.
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 微波管 2
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究內容摘要 5
第二章 時域模型 6
2.1 時域模型理論 7
2.2 時域模型模擬結果 15
2.2.1 場強分布 17
2.2.2 相位分布 19
2.2.3 角度變化之影響 20
2.2.4 長度變化之影響 23
2.3 時域模型之不匹配負載 27
2.3.1 不匹配負載結構之收斂測試 28
2.3.2 Iris位置之影響 30
2.3.3 iris大小之影響 32
2.3.4 iris結構之場強分布 34
第三章 頻域模型 37
3.1 頻域模型理論 42
3.2 頻域模型之最大場強法 45
3.3 頻域模型之反射法 52
3.4 共振腔反射係數之影響 55
3.5 頻域模型與時域模型品質因子比較 57
第四章 新型開口式共振腔 58
第五章 結論 75
附錄A Muller’s method 76
附錄B Runge-Kutta method 78
附錄C 圓柱形對稱波動方程式推導 80
附錄D 圓柱形對稱結構的場能量與歐姆損耗[7] 84
D.1 Z軸方向波的平均淨功率 86
D.2 正向波和反向波之平均功率 88
D.3 管壁上的歐姆損耗 91
D.4 電磁場的能量 93
參考文獻 94
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