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研究生(外文):Yi-Cheng Sin
論文名稱(外文):Properties and structure characterization of indigestible carbohydrates from the bioconversion product of American ginseng residues
指導教授(外文):Ting-Jang Lu
口試委員(外文):Shin LuYung-Ho ChangYi-Yuan ShaoHuei-Ju Wang
外文關鍵詞:America GinsengGanoderma myceliumPectic polysaccharidesβ-glucanRAW264.7Linkage analysis
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已知西洋參與靈芝多醣具許多免疫調節之活性,工業生產之西洋飲品可以是生產靈芝與西洋參渣多醣之原料。本研究使用西洋參渣靈芝菌絲發酵轉化物 (轉化物) 為原料,研究此轉化物之多醣性質與活性,並比較西洋參多醣活性區分之多醣性質。西洋參非消化性水溶性多醣區分具有豐富之Arabinogalactan II (AGII) 與少量Arabinogalactan I (AGI)、Rhamnogalcturonan I (RGI) 與RhamnogalcturonanII (RGII)之結構特徵,推測以西洋參之AG II貢獻刺激RAW 264.7釋放NO或TNF-α之效果。轉化物以熱水萃取、酒精沉降與酵素水解後,藉由酒精沉降分成非消化水溶性多醣層 (IDPS) 與非消化短鏈醣層 (SCC)。IDPS經電荷層析可分成5個區分 (IDPS F1、F2、F3、F4與F5)。IDPS F1有豐富之 (1,3;1,6)-β-D-glucan 與少量之Xyloglucan與AG II;IDPS F2有 (1,3;1,6)-β-D-glucan、RG I、AG I、AGII;IDPS F3有β–glucan、RG I、AG I、AG II、Arabinan、RG I與Homogalacturonan (HG);IDPS F4與F5以RG I、AG I、AG II、Arabinan、RG I與HG為主要之醣結構。SCC經電荷劃分可分成3個區分 (SCC F1、SCC F2與SCC F3) 與其中SCC F1經分子篩層析可分成5個中性醣區分 (SCC F1A、F1B、F1C、F1D、F1E)。SCC F1A有Galactomannan、Xyloglucan、AG I、AG II與Arabinan;SCC F1B有(1,6)-glucan、(1,4)-Mannan;SCC F1C、F1D、F1E分別為麥芽三糖、麥芽二糖與葡萄糖為主要組成;SCC F2有RG I、AGI、Arabinan與β–glucan;SCC F3有RG I、Arabinan、AG II、Arabinogalactan protein。評估各區分刺激RAW 264.7釋放NO與TNF-α活性。IDPS F2、F3、F4、F5具刺激RAW 264.7釋放TNF-α活性,但不具調節NO釋放效果,其中IDPS F2以 (1,3;1,6)-β-D-glucan 為主要活性貢獻之來源。SCC F1、F2、F3皆具有調節RAW 264.7釋放NO之活性,但僅SCC F1、F2具刺激RAW 264.7釋放TNF-α之活性。測試SCCF1中之活性成分,發現以SCCF1A為主要活性區分之貢獻。西洋參渣經靈芝轉化可釋出果膠多醣與半纖維素,並產生免疫調節活性之β-glucan。
The immune modulatory activity of polysaccharides from America ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum has been well understood. The industrial by-product of America ginseng drinks can be used as the raw material to produce the Ganoderma lucidum bioconversion product of American ginseng residues. In the research, the bioconversion product and the America ginseng bioactive polysaccharide were investigated. The America ginseng bioactive polysaccharide is rich in arabinogalactan II ( AG II) and a little arabinogalactan I (AGI), rhamnogalacturonan I (RGI) and rhamnogalcturonanII (RGII). It is presumed that the stimulation effect on RAW264 of the American ginseng polysaccharides was contributed by AG II. After the bioconversion product was treated by hot water extraction, ethanol precipitation and enzyme digestion, it could be divided into indigestible polysaccharides (IDPS) and indigestible short chain carbohydrate (SCC). IDPS could be separated by DEAE chromatography into 5 fractions, IDPS F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5. IDPS F1 has the characterization of (1,3;1,6)–β–glucan, AGII, and xyloglucan. IDPS F2 has the characterization of (1,3;1,6)–β–glucan, RG I, AG I, and AGII. IDPS F3 has the characterization of β–glucan, AGI, AGII, arabinan, RGI, RGII, and homogalacturonan (HG). IDPS F4 and F5 has the characterization of AGI, AGII, arabinan, RGI, RGII, and HG. SCC can be separated by DEAE chromatography into 3 fractions, SCC F1, F2, and F3. Moreover, SCC F1 could be divided by size exclusion chromatography into SCC F1A, F1B, F1C, F1D, and F1E. SCC1A has the characterization of galactomannan, AGI, AGII, arabinan, and xyloglucan. SCC F1B has the characterization of (1,6)-glucan and (1,4)-mannan. SCC F1C, F1D, and F1E are the maltotriose and maltobiose and glucose individually. SCC F2 contains the structure of RG I, AG I, arabinan, and β–glucan. SCC F3 has the characterization of RGI, arabinan, AG II, arabinogalactan protein, and RGII. According to RAW 264.7 cell model, IDPS F2, F3, F4, F5 could stimulate RAW 264.7 TNF-α production but did not regulate the release of NO. Furthermore, (1,3;1,6)-β-glucan in IDPS F2 is the main activity structure. SCC F1, F2, and F3 could stimulate the release of NO from RAW 264.7 but only SCC F1 and F2 stimulated the release of TNF-α. SCCF1A is the main contribution of the immunomodulatory activity to SCC F1. After Ganoderma lucidum fermented the America ginseng residue, it can not only release pectin polysaccharides and hemicellulose but also produce β-glucan which have the immunomodulatory activity.
謝誌 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
縮寫表 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIV
壹、 前言 1
貳、 文獻回顧 2
一、果膠多醣結構與分類 2
1.1. Homogalacturonan (HG) 2
1.2 Rhamnogalacturonan I (RG I) 3
1.2.1 Arabinogalactan 4
1.2.2 Arabinan 6
1.3 Substituted galacturonans (SG) 6
1.3.1 Rhamnogalacturon II 6
1.3.2 Xylogalacturonan 7
1.3.3 Apiogalacturonan 7
二、西洋參 8
2.1 西洋參與人參屬醣類結構特徵 8
2.1.1 西洋參結構特徵 8
2.1.2 人參結構特徵 8
2.2.3 三七結構特徵 11
2.3 西洋參與人洋參屬生物活性 11
2.3.1 西洋參多醣生物活性 11
2.3.2 人參多醣生物活性 12 免疫調節 (Immune modulation activity) 12 抑制腫瘤與癌細胞生長 (Tumor and cancer cell growth inhibition activity) 13 抑制憂鬱效果 (Antidepressant-like effect) 14 延緩慢性疲勞症狀之效果 (Anti-fatigue effect) 14
三、靈芝 15
3.1 靈芝酵素系統 15
3.2 靈芝與靈芝屬醣類結構特徵 15
3.2.1 Ganoderma lucidum 15
3.2.2 Ganoderma sinense 19
3.2.3 Ganoderma atrum 20
3.3 靈芝與靈芝屬醣類生物活性 26
3.3.1 Ganoderma lucidum多醣生物活性 26 免疫調節與抑制腫瘤和癌細胞生長活性 (Immune modulation activity and tumor and cancer cell growth inhibition activity) 26 糖尿病緩解 (Diabetes Amelioration) 27 抗氧化活性 (Antioxidant activity) 27
3.3.2 Ganoderma sinense多醣生物活性 27
參、 研究目的與架構 29
肆、 材料與方法 31
一、實驗材料 31
1.1 西洋參渣生物轉化物 31
1.2 西洋參非消化性多醣區分 31
1.3 細胞株 31
二、西洋參渣生物轉化物樣品萃取製備方法 32
2.1 酒精萃取層製備 (Ethanol fraction, EF) 32
2.2 熱水萃取層製備 (Hot water fraction, HWF) 32
2.3 粗多醣層製備 (Crude polysaccharides fraction, CPF) 32
2.4 非消化多醣層製備 (Indigestible polysaccharides fraction, IDPS) 33
2.5 酒精上清層製備 (Ethanol supernatant fraction, ESF) 33
2.6 非消化短鏈醣層製備 (Indigestible short chain carbohydrate, SCC) 33
三、試藥與儀器設備 35
3.1 化學藥劑 35
3.2 試劑套組 36
3.3 標準品 36
3.4 酵素 36
3.5 單株抗體 36
3.6 儀器設備 37
四、分析方法 39
4.1 可溶性固形物含量測定 (Measurement of soluble solids content) 39
4.2 蛋白質含量測定 (Protein determination) 39
4.3 總醣含量測定 (Total carbohydrate determination) 39
4.4 醛糖酸含量測定 (Uronic acid determination) 39
4.5 (1,3;1,6)-β-D-glucan含量/分支度分析 40
4.5.1 樣品處理與酵素水解 40
4.5.2 高效能陰離子交換層析 (High performance anion exchange chromatography, HPAEC) 40
4.5.3 含量及分支度計算 41
4.6 單醣組成分析 (Sugar composition determination) 42
4.6.1 樣品前處理 42 甲醇解反應 (Methanolysis) 42 三氟醋酸水解 (Trifluoroacetic acid hydrolysis) 43 還原反應 (Carboxyl reduction reaction) 43 乙醯化反應 (Acetylation reaction) 43
4.6.2 高效能陰離子交換層析 (High performance anion exchange chromatography, HPAEC) 43 中性醣分析條件 43 酸性醣分析條件 44
4.6.3 氣相層析串聯質譜分析(Gas chromatography–Mass spectrometry) 44
4.7 醣苷鍵結分析 (Glycosidic bond analysis) 44
4.7.1 部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯樣品分析 (Partially methylated alditol acetates sample analysis) 44 樣品前處理 44 全甲基化反應 (Permethylation reaction) 45三氟醋酸水解 (Trifluoroacetic acid hydrolysis) 45 還原反應 (Carboxyl reduction reaction) 45 乙醯化反應 (Acetylation reaction) 45
4.7.2 部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯標準品合成 (Partially methylated alditol acetates standard synthesis, PMAAs) 45 甲基醣苷製備 (Methylglycoside preparation) 46 部分甲基化反應 (Partial methylation reaction) 46三氟醋酸水解 (Trifluoroacetic acid hydrolysis) 46 還原反應 (Carboxyl reduction reaction) 46 乙醯化反應 (Acetylation reaction) 46
4.7.3 氣相層析串聯質譜分析系統 (Gas chromatography–Mass spectrometry) 47 分析條件 47 滯留因子 (Retention index) 47
4.8 DEAE離子交換層析法 (DEAE anion exchange chromatography) 48
4.9 Bio-Gel ® Polyacrylamide-2膠體層析 (Gel filtration chromatography) 48
4.10 高效能分子篩層析分析分子量分布 49
4.10.1 HPSEC分析圖譜 49
4.10.2 樣品製備 49
4.10.3 高效能分子篩層析系統 49
4.11 高效能分子篩層析系統串聯酵素連結免疫吸附法 50
4.11.1 HPSEC分析圖譜 50
4.11.2 ELISA分析圖譜 50
4.12 果膠及半纖維素單株抗體辨認酵素連結免疫吸附法 50
4.13 RAW 264.7細胞活性測定 51
4.13.1 細胞培養與繼代 51
4.13.2 細胞存活率 51
4.13.3 調節細胞NO與TNF-α釋放 52 加藥與細胞測試條件 52 NO含量測定 52 TNF-α含量測定 52
五、統計分析 53
伍、 結果與討論 54
一、西洋參非消化性多醣活性區分結構特徵 54
二、西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化性多醣層結構特徵與免疫調節分析 58
2.1 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化多醣層結構特徵 58
2.1.1 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化多醣層電荷劃分層析與各劃分組成 58
2.1.2 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化多醣層電荷劃分各區分部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯鍵結分析 62 IDPS F1部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯鍵結分析 62 IDPS F2部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯鍵結分析 63 IDPS F3部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯鍵結分析 64 IDPS F4部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯鍵結分析 65 IDPS F5部分甲基化糖醇乙酸酯鍵結分析 66
2.1.3 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化多醣層電荷劃分各區分分子量分布與單株抗體結構特徵辨認 71
2.2 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化多醣層與電荷劃分各區分對RAW 264.7細胞毒性與免疫活性分析 89
三、西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化性短鏈醣層結構特徵與免疫調節分析 94
3.1 西洋參渣生物轉化物短鏈醣層分子量分布 94
3.2 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化短鏈醣層電荷劃分層析與各區分結構特徵 97
3.3 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化中性短鏈醣分子量劃分層析與各區分結構特徵 108
3.4 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化短鏈醣層電荷劃分各區分對RAW 264.7細胞毒性與免疫活性分析 124
3.5 西洋參渣生物轉化物非消化中性短鏈醣分子量劃分各區分對RAW 264.7細胞毒性與免疫活性分析 127
陸、 結論 130
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