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研究生(外文):Hsing-Chien Juan
論文名稱(外文):Composition and provenances of particulate organic carbon within the modern deep-sea event-layer in the South China Sea
外文關鍵詞:Total organic Carbon(TOC)stable carbon isotope(d13C)TOC/TNn-alkanesevent-layer
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As one of the largest marginal seas in the Western Pacific Ocean, the South China Sea(SCS) annually receives large amount of sediments from surrounding continental rivers. In addition, SCS is also frequently influenced by natural hazards like typhoon, earthquake and volcanic eruption. It makes SCS has potential to preserve the natural hazard records in the deep-sea sediments. In this study, we attempt to clarify the characteristics of the SCS modern deep-sea event-layer through the sediment composition and the provenances of particulate organic carbon(POC), moreover, to find out the features of POC distribution in different regions.
In Spratly Islands, the natural hazards related event-layers were found in the core top of gravity cores. According to the total organic carbon(TOC)(0.07 to 0.71%), d13C-values(-18.4 to -22.4‰) and TOC/TN ratio(5 to 10) in the gravity cores, we suggest the organic carbon is mainly from marine algae, however, the lighter d13C-values in event-layers may influenced by marine algae of different species or regions. The terrestrial signal only can be seen in the event-layer which located at the southern channel of the Zhenghe Qunjiao(OR1-1068-4). The relatively lower TOC can also be found in event-layer which caused by dilution of carbonate. Three cores which were taken from the Central Basin are almost entirely affected by event-related activities, and its TOC is between 0.17 to 1.39%, d13C-values range from -18.9 to -22.8‰ and TOC/TN ratio ranges from 3 to 9. The composition of organic carbon indicates it may be formed by mixing of terrestrial and marine materials. The highest TOC is found in the third event-layer in the center of Central Basin(OR1-1133-A1), the result suggests it may be composed by nearshore sea grasses and marine algae.
We further utilized n-alkanes analysis of the event-layer in core OR1-1068-8 which located at north of Reed Bank. It shows higher TOC/TN with increasing n-C26~35 of entire n-alkanes, which reveals TOC/TN and d13C can be used to identify the provenances of organic carbon in this region. Furthermore, the Carbon Preference Index(CPI) of the organic carbon in event-layer is similar to soil on land. It implies that large amount of terrestrial organic carbon might be delivered from land and formed thick event-layer in deep-sea and has great impact on carbon burial.
致謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 南海深海事件層 1
1.2 研究區域背景 4
1.3 陸源有機碳之傳輸與埋藏 12
1.4 有機碳來源之指標 16
1.5 研究目的 20
第二章 研究方法 21
2.1 岩心採樣 21
2.1.1 採樣區域 21
2.1.2 採樣方法 21
2.2 樣本處理流程 25
2.2.1 岩心前處理與保存 25
2.2.2 沉積物樣本前處理與保存 25
2.3 實驗分析方法 27
2.3.1 多重感應元岩心紀錄儀(MSCL) 27
2.3.2 掃描式X光螢光分析(Itrax) 28
2.3.3 X光攝影 28
2.3.4 沉積物基本參數 29
2.3.5 粒徑分析 30
2.3.6 超量210Pb定年 33
2.3.7 總有機碳(TOC)、總氮(TN)含量分析及碳氮比值(TOC/TN)) 38
2.3.8 穩定碳同位素(δ13C)分析 39
2.3.9 n-alkanes正烷烴分析 40
第三章 實驗結果與討論 45
3.1 南沙群島岩心 45
3.2 中央海盆岩心 63
3.3 有機物分布差異 71
3.4 OR1-1068-8颱風事件層n-alkanes正烷烴分析 75
3.5 陸、海源混合比例 80
3.6 總有機碳及陸源有機碳埋藏量 82
第四章 結論 86
參考文獻 87
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