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研究生(外文):Pei-Chi Chen
論文名稱:Kisspeptin-10 於輔助生殖技術中取代PMSG與hCG之可行性
論文名稱(外文):The feasibility of replacing PMSG/hCG with kisspeptin-10 in assisted reproduction technology
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為了探究kisspeptin-10能否於動物輔助生殖技術中取代PMSG與hCG的使用,我們以小鼠的超級排卵為試驗模型。利用9至12週齡的ICR母鼠進行取代PMSG或是hCG的試驗。在取代PMSG的試驗中,以迷你幫浦作為緩釋媒介,給予動物三種不同濃度的kisspeptin-10 (1, 10, 100 μg/100 μl) ;而取代hCG的試驗中則是透過單劑腹腔注射給予不同濃度之kisspeptin-10。紀錄不同處理之間的動物排卵率與排卵數,卵巢組織取下後透過石蠟包埋切片觀察不同處理組之間的差異。在取代PMSG的試驗中,經過kisspeptin-10處理的小鼠排卵率達到83%;而控制組與正控制組的排卵率分別是50%與100%。傳統的超級排卵方法得到最多的排卵數,而kisspeptin-10與控制組得到的平均排卵數相似。在取代hCG的試驗中,控制組的排卵率為20%,而低劑量的kisspeptin-10 (1 μg/100 μl) 排卵率為25%,中高劑量的kisspeptin-10 (10, 100 μg/100 μl) 沒有任何一隻動物排卵。為了更加確認單劑kisspeptin對於排卵的影響,我們延長了收卵的時間,從本來打完hCG之後13~14小時收卵改成18~20小時收卵。結果顯示控制組與kisspeptin-10高劑量組的小鼠排卵率相同,而排卵個數雖然kisspeptn-10的組別較少,但是於統計上與控制組沒有顯著差異。
Animal reproductive system is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPG axis). The hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and regulates the anterior pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The gonads produce estrogen and testosterone in response to FSH/LH. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), which refers to the various procedures and techniques involving the handling of animals’ sperm, oocytes and embryos. ART in livestock widely use exogenous gonadotropins to alter the activity of HPG axis, include GnRH, LH, FSH, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG/eCG), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and their artificial analogs. Among these hormones, PMSG and hCG are the preferred alternatives than FSH and LH with longer half-lives and lower cost. However, animals received multiple PMSG/hCG treatment would become insensitive in response. The development of antibodies against PMSG/hCG was reported in heifers, gilts, sheep and goats, which implies that the PMSG/hCG treatment in animal industry may be useful in time but not sustainable. Therefore, to develop alternatives to replace conventional protocol that could prolong the use of animal while sustaining their reproductive ability is relatively important.
On the other hand, kisspeptin-10, which is the smallest functional kisspeptin peptides made up of ten amino acids, is a potential candidate to replace the conventional hormones with its role in reproductive physiology - the gatekeeper of gonadotropins. Kisspeptin stimulates the secretion of LH/FSH by regulating the activity of GnRH neurons. Moreover, kisspeptin is highly conserved among species, which reduce the chance of antibody development.
To investigate the feasibility of using kisspeptin-10 in replacing PMSG/hCG, we modified the conventional superovulation protocol on ICR mice. Female ICR mice between 9~12 weeks of age were used, and given different doses (1, 10, 100 μg/100 μl) of kisspeptin-10 through time-released Alzet® micro-osmotic pump (1 μl/hr) to substitute for PMSG; and a single injection of kisspeptin-10 at different level (1, 10, 100 μg/100 μl) to displace hCG. The percentage of ovulated mice and the number of ovulated oocytes were counted, and the ovaries were collected for further tissue examination. In the trial of replacing PMSG, the ovulation rate of kisspeptin-10 administrated mice was 83% (n=6) while the untreated group and the conventional protocol group were 50% and 100% (n=6). The conventional protocol group had highest average retrieved oocyte numbers, while the others were similar to the untreated control group. The trial of replacing hCG, the ovulation rate was 20% (n=10) in saline control group, and the low dose of kisspeptin-10 (1 μg/100 μl) was 25% (n=4), while the medium dose and high dose (10, 100 μg/100 μl) groups were 0% (n=4) and 0% (n=8). The conventional protocol group was 100% (n=8). In another trial, to confirm the effect of single dose kisspeptin-10 to ovulation, the oocyte retrieval time was prolonged from 13-14 hour to 18-20 hour. The ovulation rate and ovulated oocyte was similar between saline control group versus kisspeptin-10 (100 μg/100 μl) group (33%, n=6).
In conclusion, our study demonstrated the effect of long-term peripheral kisspeptin-10 administration on mice reproduction, which has a follicular stimulated potential and synchronizes the estrous cycle with normally ovulated oocyte number, while a single dose of kisspeptin-10 at higher levels seems to prolong the ovulation. The results indicate that the long-term stimulation of kisspeptin-10 could affect the follicular development, which could be a new strategy in livestock reproduction management after some further investigation.
Table of Contents
中文摘要 iv
Abstract vi
Table of Contents ix
List of Figures and Tables xi
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 Assisted Reproductive Technology 3
2.1.1 Exogenous gonadotropins 3
2.1.2 ART using PMSG/hCG 5
2.1.3 Drawback of the use of PMSG/hCG 7
2.2 Kisspeptin in reproduction 9
2.2.1 Kisspeptin regulates HPG-axis 11
2.2.2 Kisspeptin triggers puberty and maintain fertility 14
2.2.3 The feedback loop of steroid hormones 17
2.2.4 The local effects of Kisspeptin in gonads 19
2.2.5 Kisspeptin’s prospect in ART 22
2.3 Sustained release techniques 25
2.4 Histology of mouse ovary and follicle development 27
3. Materials and Methods 32
3.1 Animals 32
3.2 Chemicals 32
3.3 Time-Release of kisspeptin-10 33
3.4 Experimental Design 33
3.4.1 PMSG replacement trial 33
3.4.2 hCG replacement trial 34
3.5 Tissue collection and histology assessment 36
3.6 Statistical analyses 36
4. Results 37
4.1 The Effect of Long-term Subcutaneously Release of Kisspeptin-10 in Substituting for PMSG. 38
4.2 The Effect of Using Single Intraperitoneal Injection of Kisspeptin-10 to replace hCG. 40
5. Discussion 43
5.1 The Effect of Long-term Subcutaneously Release of Kisspeptin-10 in Substituting for PMSG. 43
5.2 The Effect of Using Single Intraperitoneal Injection of Kisspeptin-10 to replace hCG. 46
6. Conclusion 50
7. Figures and Tables 51
8. Reference 59
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