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研究生(外文):Yu-Wei Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Novel Nano Silicates for Fire-proof and Anti-heat Applications
外文關鍵詞:exfoliationnano-silicate platelethighly-ordered wavy structuresflame retardantflame retardancyflame propagationflame penetrationmethylated melamine resinwater-borne polyurethanehexachlorocyclophosphazenesponge-like network structure
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本研究以無機層狀黏土搭配水性聚氨酯及氮磷系耐燃劑,開發一系列阻熱抗焰劑(Anti-Flame Propagation Agent, AFPA),並將其製成塗料塗布於高分子基材(ex:PET)表面,進行防火性能之測試。在先前的研究中我們開發了將天然層狀黏土脫層為奈米矽片(nano-silicate platelet, NSP)之技術。奈米矽片具有高片徑比與高表面電荷的特性,使其可自組裝成有序波浪狀結構,層間含有高達40 %的空氣,使其具有阻熱阻焰的能力。我們將奈米矽片搭配甲基化三聚氰胺、六氯環三磷腈與水性聚氨酯,以改善薄膜之防火功能與機械性質。經瓦斯噴槍進行防火測試,複合薄膜阻擋火焰不擴散延燒(x軸與y軸方向),且可以阻擋火焰超過120秒(z軸方向可阻止火焰貫穿)。後續我們對燃燒後的薄膜進行了微結構、晶型與元素分析,發現AFPA薄膜在經過120秒的火焰燃燒後,產生了海綿網狀結構,且其從原本的石英與蒙托土特有晶型轉為方石英晶型。
We developed a series of anti-flame propagation agent (AFPA) comprising of the exfoliated nanoscale silicate platelets (NSP), organic resins and optionally phosphorus compound. The silicate clay nano-hybrids can be applied as surface coating resins into films. The NSP have self-assembling behaviors to form thin films with highly ordered structure that entrapped 40% air in the void. The air voids and its 2D structure provided great potential for flame retardant applications. For practical uses, polymer resins including methylated melamine, hexachlorocyclophosphazene (HCP), and water-borne polyurethane (WPU) were introduced into the coating films for improving its mechanical properties and flame retardancy. Layered structures of NSP composites were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the flame test under butane torch was performed in a video, for showing the prevention of flame spread x-y and z-axis flame penetration for over 120 seconds. Further works on the AFPA films after combustion were characterized by SEM for their microstructures, by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) for their crystalline structures and by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) for element analysis. A sponge-like network structure was visualized, origin quartz and characteristic structures had transformed into β-cristobalite and amorphous structures after 120 seconds of flaming. The morphologies before and after combustion of the silicate-involved films gave rise to the elucidation of anti-fire mechanism.
口試委員審定書 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
Contents vii
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xvi

Chapter 1. Introduction and Literature Review 1
1.1 Introduction of Flame Retardants 1
1.1.1 Polymer Combustion and Flame Retardants 1
1.1.2 Organohalogen Retardants 2
1.1.3 Organonitrogen Retardants 4
1.1.4 Phosphorus Retardants 5
1.1.5 Inorganic Retardants 7
1.2 Introduction of Layered Clays and Nano Silicate Platelets 9
1.2.1 Natural Layered Clays 9
1.2.2 Intercalation and Clay-polymer Nanocomposites 10
1.2.3 Exfoliation of Layered Clay to Nano Silicate Platelets 13
1.2.4 Self-assembly and Flame-shielding Property of Nano Silicate Platelets 16
1.3 Research Objectives 20
Chapter 2. Experimental Section 21
2.1 Materials 21
2.2 Synthesis of AFPA Paints 22
2.2.1 NSP Dispersants 22
2.2.2 NSP/WPU Dispersants 22
2.2.3 NSP/M Dispersants 23
2.2.4 NSP-HCP/M/WPU Dispersants 23
2.3 Procedures of AFPA Coating on PET Films 26
2.4 Characterization 27
2.4.1 Instrumental Characterization 27
2.4.2 Flame Test Method 27
Chapter 3. Result and Discussion 30
3.1 Synthesis of NSP-HCP/M/WPU Dispersants 30
3.2 Microstructure Characterization of AFPA Films 32
3.2.1 NSP Films on PET Films 32
3.2.2 NSP/WPU Films on PET Films 33
3.2.3 NSP/M Films on PET Films 34
3.2.4 NSP-HCP/M/WPU Films on PET Films 36
3.2.5 Basal Spacing of AFPA Films 37
3.3 Flame Retardancy of AFPA Paints 38
3.3.1 Simple Ignition Test 38
3.3.2 Flame Penetration Test 43
3.4 Analysis of Combusted AFPA Films 50
3.4.1 Microstructure Characterization by SEM 50
3.4.2 Basal Spacing Characterizations by XRD 58
3.4.3 Crystalline Structure Characterizations by XRD 59
3.4.4 Element Analysis by SEM-EDX 64
Chapter 4. Conclusion 73
Chapter 5. Reference 74
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