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研究生(外文):Guan-Shiun Wang
論文名稱(外文):Novel polyurethane dispersant for disperse graphene for flexible conductive film uses
指導教授(外文):Jiang-Jen Lin
外文關鍵詞:graphenepolyurethane-type dispersant (POEUPOPU)aqueousorganic mediumconductive filmacrylate filmhardness
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本篇論文大致分為兩部份,第一部分為針對石墨烯的分散劑設計與合成,探討不同官能基的聚氨脂型(Polyurethane-type)分散劑對分散及穩定石墨烯的影響,藉由過去本實驗室對石墨烯之分散建構的基礎理論下,並開發出針對水相(POPU)及有機相(POPU)溶劑之2種分散劑結構。初步以可見光紫外光分光光譜儀(UV-VIS Spectophotometer)測試各種分散劑對石墨烯之分散性,後續以穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscopy, TEM) 和原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscopic, AFM)鑑定石墨烯之層數及分散情形。

第二部分為分散後石墨烯之應用,藉由POEU分散劑石將墨烯分散於水相系統後,我們導入水性PU將其製備成可撓曲式導電薄膜。當石墨烯含量從0.1wt%提升至3wt%時,其導電值可達到1.96 x101 S/m,並可點亮LED燈泡。而在相同比例下,未經POEU分散之石墨烯所製備之薄膜其導電值僅有1.61x10-2 S/m。由此可證實分散石墨烯之重要性。另一有機相系統下,利用POPU將石墨烯分散至乙酸乙酯溶劑中,並導入壓克力樹脂中以提升壓克力膜之硬度,由於石墨烯本身之高強度機械性質,當其含量添加至0.3wt%時,可將膜硬度從原本的4H提升至8H,並且維持高達87%以上之光穿透度。但若是未經良好分散之石墨烯,其硬度僅能提升至6H並因其容易堆疊造成薄膜不均且光穿透度低(81%)。在上述兩種應用下,可見石墨烯分散劑之重要性。
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
Index V
List of Figures VII
List of Tables IX
List of Schemes X
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1-1 Nanomaterial 1
1-2 Introduction to dispersion of graphene 4
1-3 Introduction of Polyurethane 8
1-4 Polymeric dispersant to disperse graphene 10
1-4-1 Homemade dispersant of POE/POP-Segmented Imide (POEM/POPM) 10
1-4-2 Synthesis of polyurethane-type dispersant for graphene 16
1-5 Application of graphene dispersion 16
1-5-1 Graphene/POEU/WPU Conductive film 17
1-5-2 Graphene/POPU/Acrylate film 18
Chapter 2. Experimental Section 20
2-1 Materials 20
2-2 Synthesis of polyurethane-type dispersant for graphene 20
2-3 Preparation of graphene dispersion in aqueous and ethyl acetate 24
2-4 Form the Graphene/POEU/WPU conductivity film 24
2-5 Preparation of Graphene/Acrylic resin by UV-Curing 25
2-6 Characterization 26
Chapter 3. Results and discussion 28
3-1 Dispersibility of Polyurethane-type dispersant (POEU, POPU) for graphene 28
3-2 Characterization measurements of graphene dispersion 39
3-3 Application of graphene dispersion 44
3-3-1 Flexible and Conductive film of Graphene/POEU/WPU 44
3-3-2 Hardness of Graphene/POPU/Acrylate film 47
Chapter 4. Conclusion 50
Chapter 5. References 53
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