Lots of small and medium sized module supplier enterprises in Taiwan act as indispensable role in those supply chains, creating high valued-added products. Small and medium sized enterprises also provide lots of jobs and drive Taiwan economy to grow as well. In addition, lots of researches point out small and medium sized enterprises could bring more equally distributed economic growth to country, as well as source of learning and creativity in whole supply chain.
Some of enterprises in Taiwan bicycle module supply chain are unknown but hold high market share around the world. One of those enterprises is called “KMC”, bicycle chain company, represents the “hidden champion” in bicycle module supply chain. “Bicycle-Sharing” has become a very popular word in China since last year. Lots of bikes park on the streets and cover the whole cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. This new market is making a big impact to Taiwan bicycle module supply chain, if we don’t face this question more seriously, the market shares of Taiwan firms may take away by another foreign competitors. Ultimately, it would become a big negative impact to Taiwan economy.
At first, This article will give you an overview of bicycle-sharing market in China, then compare two main players’ sharing bicycle in order to realize what is the opportunity of Taiwan bicycle module suppliers. Secondly, I will compare the rent process of “Ubike” and “Bicycle-Sharing” in order to realize what is the added value created by bicycle-sharing model. After we realize what are the opportunity and added value created by this model, I will try to set up a plan in order to seize this business opportunity immediately. Using KMC bicycle chain company as an example, shows how could Taiwan bicycle module suppliers deliver value to this new market, practice the business strategies and cooperate with other players in sharing-bicycle market.