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研究生(外文):Shou-Jou Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Equity Distribution decision for Entrepreneurs
外文關鍵詞:StartupEntrepreneurEquity DistributionNetwork Theory
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In order to kick-start the next economic growth, both the government and the media have been trying to nurture the startup atmosphere and cultivate the startup environment. However, the difficulties of running an entrepreneurial team have largely been overlooked. Entrepreneurs, especially in the form of Limited Liability Company (Ltd), have to deal with various issues inherent in equity distribution which have been seldom discussed in either academic or practical research. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation was to explore the decision process of equity distribution for entrepreneurs, and unravel the various considerations and their potential effects.
Through qualitative analysis of interviews with owners from four independent Ltd Companies with various company survival years, the dissertation provided three major findings. First, the primary factors of constructing equity network were the critical challenges faced by entrepreneurs as well as the ideal for network held by entrepreneurs. Second, there were two characteristics in equity distribution: rigidity and reconcilement. The distinction between these two characteristics was critical events rather than survival years. Third, the entrepreneurs had to coordinate monetary returns, power and affection within the equity network, which might lead to the exit of team members if fail.
To sum, this study extended current knowledge of equity distribution decision process using the network theory. The results may contribute to the better management of internal team integration for entrepreneurs through the formulation of more effective equity distribution strategies.
口試委員會審定書........................................................................................................... i
誌謝.................................................................................................................................. ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... iv
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究動機.......................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的.......................................................................................... 3
第二章 文獻回顧.......................................................................................................... 4
第一節 創業相關研究.................................................................................. 4
第二節 網絡理論........................................................................................ 10
第三節 創業與股權.................................................................................... 21
第四節 小結................................................................................................ 24
第三章 研究方法........................................................................................................ 25
第一節 研究取向與方法............................................................................ 25
第二節 研究對象........................................................................................ 26
第三節 資料蒐集........................................................................................ 28
第四節 資料整理與分析............................................................................ 29
第四章 研究個案背景描述........................................................................................ 31
第一節 個案 1 ............................................................................................. 31
第二節 個案 2 ............................................................................................. 35
第三節 個案 3 ............................................................................................. 38
第四節 個案 4 ............................................................................................. 43
第五章 研究發現........................................................................................................ 50
第一節 資源連結策略與初期網絡............................................................ 52
第二節 跨個案分析—股權網絡的建立與發展........................................ 72
第三節 小結................................................................................................ 90
第六章 討論、研究限制與未來研究建議................................................................ 92
第一節 討論................................................................................................ 92
第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議............................................................ 95
參考文獻........................................................................................................................ 99
附錄一、訪談邀約信.................................................................................................. 107
附錄二、研究簡介與訪談大綱.................................................................................. 108
附錄三、股權分配相關之現行法規整理.................................................................. 109
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