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研究生(外文):Yu-Chen Shen
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Digitalization of Medical Chart – Digitalize SRG-PSP Scale for Schizophrenia Patients
指導教授(外文):Chang-Sung Yu
中文關鍵詞:醫學量表電子化思覺失調症圖像化之個人與社會功能自我評估量表SRG-PSP電子化 SRG-PSPeSRG-PSP創新循環價值創造循環VPSValue Creation CycleVCC
外文關鍵詞:DigitalizationSchizophreniaMedical ChartDigitalized Medical ChartSRG-PSPeSRG-PSPVPSValue Creation CycleVCC
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According to literature review, psychosocial functioning is recognized as a necessary outcome for therapeutic success in schizophrenia. In order to assess the improvement of functionality of patients, the therapeutic process relies on continuous and systematic diagnosis, which makes the design and development of functionality scale important. The medical chart, Self-reported Graphic version of the Personal and Social Performance Scale (SRG-PSP), has several advantages over other scales developed before it. Most important of all, the content is more comprehensible and faster to answer, and it also serves as a communication tool between doctors, patients, and the family members of the patients.

The research on the digitalization of the SRG-PSP scale is to solve the following problems when paper version of SRG-PSP scale is used. (1) Paper scales are disorganized and difficult to sort. (2) Information collected by paper scales is not capable of doing efficient and systematic analysis. (3) Even after the paper scales are organized, some of the answers to the questions on the scale may still be missing due to human errors and can cause the specific scale to be invalid. (4) Unsystematic paper version of the scale is hard to have long-term improvement with patients to achieve the vision of improving functionality. (5) Paper scale cannot gain value-added advantages in the therapeutic process from different industries.

The research started with in-depth interview with the doctors to understand their habits, problems, and unmet needs when using paper SRG-PSP scales. After analyzing the conclusion of the interviews, the research gains help with technologies to build the digitalized system of SRG-PSP scale. The system stores the information of diagnosis from different patients from different periods, and through the computing of the website, the information could be transformed into line charts, summary table of medication used, daily total doze, periods in hospital, and notes taken. The accumulated information could make the diagnosis more efficient and could improve physician-patient relationship through communications in therapeutic processes. In the end, the whole digitalization system matches the Value, Positioning, Scenario (VPS), and Value Creation Cycle (VCC) as well.

In conclusion, the digitalization project solved the problem when paper version of SRG-PSP scale is used mentioned above. To question (1) to (4), the designed digitalization system of SRG-PSP scale completed the data-computing, shared decision making, and the Value Creation Cycle. To question (5), the system cooperates with different industries to solve problems from legal, technical, to marketing level. Afterward, with systematic information collected from the doctors, seminars could be held to share experiences to help patients improve their functionality.

However, the digitalization of medical chart is just the beginning of improvement of therapeutic process in schizophrenia. More projects need to be executed to fulfill the vision, positioning, and scenario when treating schizophrenia patients in the future. Then the dynamic cycle of VPS could be continued through cooperation with different industries.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 評估功能性量表之演變 6
一、 SRG-PSP功能量表使用說明 8
二、 SRG-PSP優點與特色介紹 9
第二節 商業模式創新循環 11
一、 創新循環(Vision, Positioning, Scenario, VPS) 11
二、 價值創造循環(Value Creation Cycle, VCC) 12
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 質性研究之選擇 13
第二節 深度訪談分析 13
一、 訪談人物介紹 14
二、 資料搜集 16
三、 訪談分析 18
第四章 SRG-PSP功能量表電子化執行與成果 19
第一節 電子化SRG-PSP功能量表專案執行 19
一、 電子化SRG-PSP功能量表網頁版基本功能 19
二、 電子化SRG-PSP功能量表網頁版進階功能 22
三、 SRG-PSP功能量表之變化型態 25
第二節 電子化SRG-PSP功能量表之系統循環分析 29
一、 電子化SRG-PSP功能量表之系統架構及價值創造循環 29
二、 電子化SRG-PSP功能量表之創新循環 38
第五章 結論 41
參考文獻 43

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