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研究生(外文):Shen-Yun Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Pricing and Discount in Telecommunication Company Alliance with Mobile phone Manufacturer
外文關鍵詞:Smartphone contract priceDiscountLogistic modelConsumer recognition
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1. 價格並非無限提高利潤會最高
2. 在兩期價格略高於消費者期望時利潤的損失較小
3. 依照使用量族群比例不同第一期手機合約價格應有偏高或偏低的訂價,使用量偏高族群多時應訂較高價格才可得到較高利潤
4. 適當的折價可以給與廠商更高的利潤
Nowadays, smartphone market have been mature market gradually. Smartphone always have a contract with Telecommunication Company. At the same time, Telecommunication Company could sale their telecom service and smartphone in one contract. When we are in first period, we won’t consider about discount. When time goes to second period, recycling of smartphone would be question. Then, discount should be considered.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how smartphone price of first period, price of second and discount price in the contract affect profit. In this study, using the logistic model to illustrate consumer recognition toward contract price and discount by probability. The author combine unit profit with probability and proportion of consumer usage amount clustering to profit.
According to the result of the model, there are several conclusions as the following:
1. Profit won’t be higher infinitely when price grow up.
2. There will be lower effect of profit losing when the price is slightly higher than consumer recognition.
3. When the highly price recognition consumer is in majority, we should give higher pricing strategy. Since we could have higher profit.
4. Proper discount of contract would bring higher profit of Telecommunication Company.
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第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究範疇與對象 4
第五節 論文架構 4

第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 異業結盟在結盟下的分類 5
第二節 電信需求與定價結構 9
第三節 效用函數 12
3.1計數效用簡介 13
3.2序列效用 14
3.3間接效用 14
第四節 綠色消費者行為 16
第五節 綠色供應鏈管理 17
5.1供應鏈管理 17
5.2綠色供應鏈 19
第六節 羅吉特模式 20

第三章 研究理論方法與架構 22
3.1參數定義 22
3.2模型建構 23
第四章 模型解構與圖形分析 29
第一節 情境模擬 29
第二節 敏感度分析 38
第五章 結論與未來建議 42

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