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研究生(外文):Chung-Song Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Choice and Implementation of Brand-and-OEM Dual Business Model
外文關鍵詞:Dual Business ModelCapabilities-based ViewOEM BusinessBusiness ModelSmart Power Strategies
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This research explores how less well-endowed product suppliers choose and implement brand-and-OEM dual business models (BMs, hereafter) by investigating a supplier’s required capabilities, expected synergy, and potential tensions during the choice and implementation processes, upon which adequate dual BMs and strategies are based. To implement this investigation we conduct a longitudinal case-based study on multiple product lines within a single organizational context. Based on this in-depth exploration, we propose two critical decision constructs for dual BM choices; they are segment-making capabilities and product/service innovation potential, with which various types of dual BM are intertwined. We also find that during the seeking phase of dual BM implementation, potential synergy is created via signal effect and tension generated by inconsistent identity. During the fulfilling phase, however, synergy may come from organizational learning and resource pooling, and tension from managerial heterogeneity and prioritization of resource allocation. For the harvesting phase, synergy may come from balanced long-short term outcomes and tension from market conflict. Furthermore, for products of an exploratory nature, product suppliers may adopt a model that enhances the organizational learning effect, while for exploitative products, balanced long-short term outcomes is the primary motive. Our research also finds that during the implementation processes suppliers undertake what we call smart power strategies that combine hard and soft power. Hard power deliberately increases synergy and soft power subtly reduces inherent tensions. Hence, the benefits of dual business models can be realized. Overall, our research adds new insights to the extant literature, which usually regards dual BM strategy as conceptually paradoxical and practically infeasible, and offers a decision framework for dual BMs with both theoretical foundation and practical usages.
目 錄 ( Table of Contents )

口試委員會審定……………………………………………………….…. i
謝辭……………………………………………………………………..... ii
中文摘要………………………………………………………………… iv
English Abstract……………………………………………..………….....v
目錄 ( Table of Contents )………………………………………...……..vii
圖表目錄 ( Figures and Table )………………………...………….…....viii

Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………..…...…1
Chapter 2 : Literature Review……………………………….…...….. 7
Chapter 3: Research Methods………………………………………….... 14
Chapter 4 : Research Findings…………………………………….…….. 24
Chapter 5 : Discussion and Conclusion………………………………… 61

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