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論文名稱(外文):Studies of Material Properties on Metal Thin Film and Polyimide by Microscopic Simulations
指導教授(外文):Jia-Han Lee
口試委員(外文):Wen-Hann SheuChun-Hway HsuehWen-Jay LeeYao-Chun Wang
外文關鍵詞:density functional theorypermittivitymolecular dynamicspolyimideglass transition temperaturethermal expansion coefficientmodulus
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Due to the development of the powerful computation algorithm and device, the material modeling is getting more important and reliable. In this thesis, the density functional theory and molecular dynamics are used to study the microscale and nanoscale material properties. By using the density functional theory, the optical properties of gold and silver in bulk and thin film phases are demonstrated. The size-dependent and anisotropic permittivity of thin film are found. By using the molecular dynamics, it is found that the order parameter is an important issue to simulate the material properties due to the strongly orientation-dependent phenomena of properties. Furthermore, the relation of the structure and properties is discussed.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Part I. Thin film size effect on anisotropic optical property of gold and silver 1
Chapter I-1 Introduction 1
Chapter I-2 Density functional theory 3
I-2.1 Kohn-Sham equation 3
I-2.2 Generalized gradient approximation 4
I-2.3 Linear density response function 5
Chapter I-3 Methodology and simulation setup 7
Chapter I-4 Result and discussion 9
I-4.1 difference of the bulk and thin film 9
I-4.2 size effect on anisotropic optical properties of thin film 18
Chapter I-5 Application 21
Chapter I-6 Conclusions 25
Part II. Relation of structure and material properties by molecular dynamics 26
II-1 Introduction 26
II-2 Molecular dynamics 29
II-2.1 Newton’s equation of motion 29
II-2.2.2 Force field 30
II-2.3 Ensembles 32
II-2.4 Material properties 33
II-2.5 order parameter (OP) 34
Chapter II-3 Methodology and simulation model 36
Chapter II-4 Results and discussion 38
II-4.1 Original result 38
II-4.2 Modify result 45
II-4.2.1 Coefficient of thermal expansion 45
II-4.2.2 Glass transition temperature 46
II-4.2.3 Young’s modulus 46
Chapter II-5 Conclusion 49
Reference 50
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