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研究生(外文):Bo-Hsun Pan
論文名稱(外文):Design of piezoelectric array on excitation pipe guided wave and environmental condition monitoring.
外文關鍵詞:Guided waveLongitudinal waveAttenuation ratioPiezoelectric double rings transducer arraysBuried pipeHealth monitor
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Ultrasonic detection is a general type of nondestructive testing. It always be used to detect defects in the structure. As offshore wind turbines based structures are located in the ocean, the traditional ultrasonic non-destructive testing can’t be used in offshore wind turbines power system. Guided wave method is a faster and more effective method to detect wind turbine pile surface condition buried in the sea floor. Due to the sand in the sea floor have high viscosity and high water content, guide wave leakage into the sand and lost energy with propagation distance. With the pile buried depth and water content different in the sand, guide wave will have different attenuation. Therefore, we plan to detect different pile surface condition by using guide wave L(0,1) modes. By measuring the attenuation of L(0,1) echo signal from the pile and realize the propagation characteristic, we can monitor the health of pile buried in the sea floor.
The thesis successfully build a double rings transducer array by PZT piezoelectric. We can excite L(0,1) mode propagating over four meter and suppress non-axisymmetric mode on the pipe by using axisymmetric transducer arrays and comb structure. At the same time, we know that sixteen transducers double rings structure is the best method to excite L(0,1) mode from the experiment. We can use this propagating mode excited by transducer array system to know the different pipe surface condition and health situation.
From the experiment result, the guided wave will attenuate by leakage into surround. Attenuation of guide wave will change by the water content and cover force on the pipe surface. When water content increase in the sand, the attenuation will increase. Same as the cover force on the pipe, attenuation will increase with the cover force. The water content and cover force is the health critical point in the offshore wind turbines pile. The thesis provide a reference for the health monitor on the pile.
誌謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3文獻回顧 3
1.4研究方法 4
1.5論文結構 7
第二章 基本理論 8
2.1導波於圓管中傳遞之波動方程式 8
2.1.1縱向模態 12
2.1.2扭矩模態 13
2.1.3撓曲模態 14
2.2頻散曲線 16
2.3波形結構 20
2.4壓電原理 23
2.5短時傅立葉轉換法[27] 24
第三章 實驗架構與量測結果 26
3.1導波激發與接收系統 26
3.1.1壓電陣列激發方式 31
3.1.2實驗管線 32
3.2實驗步驟 33
3.3實驗結果與討論 36
3.3.1壓電陣列裸管回波之訊號 36
3.3.2短時傅立葉轉換時頻分析 40
3.3.3包覆管線之回波訊號 41
3.3.4實際埋地情況實驗 47
第四章 結論與未來展望 49
4.1結論 49
4.2未來展望 50
附錄A 51
參考文獻 53
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