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研究生(外文):Ting-Kai Lin
論文名稱(外文):Performance improvement of PZT micro piezoelectric energy harvester fabricated by Aerosol deposition method
指導教授(外文):Wen-Jong Wu
外文關鍵詞:PZTpiezoelectric materialaerosol depositionenergy harvesterMEMS
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For past years the idea of "Internet of Things(IoT)" has become more expanding, which makes the demand of low power consumption sensors increased rapidly. In generally we use power lines or battery to drive these sensors. However, powering the sensors in remote areas with power lines is costly no matter in installation or maintenance. On the other hand, using battery can solve the problems, but the maintenance issue and risk of environmental pollution will emerge. Summing up the above reasons, scavenging energy from varying ambient energy sources and transferring them into electricity to drive the end devices, or called "Self-powered technology", seems to be a better solution to completely solve the problems, maximize the application scope and lifetime for IoT sensors.
This thesis is based on scavenging the environmental vibration energy. Comparing to solar power, vibration energy is capable to provide energy no matter indoor or not. The power density of ambient vibration is also high enough to be exploited due to the past researches. By utilizing the piezoelectric material PZT we successfully fabricated cantilever structure piezoelectric energy harvester. A static force analysis for cantilever structure to evaluate effective piezoelectric constant d31 of thin film piezoelectric material is also presented. Combining the study for improving Aerosol deposition method (ADM) efficiency, the optimization of annealing and poling process, and metal micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS) process, we accomplished the stainless-based cantilever structure piezoelectric energy harvesters. The output performance could reach more than 300μW at 0.5g resonant frequency. The power density was better than all studies made before. The results show that our device is very close to practical application.
Keyword: PZT, piezoelectric material, aerosol deposition, energy harvester, MEMS
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 vii
符號表 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 應用與目標 5
1-3 文獻回顧 7
1-4 論文架構 10
第二章 壓電原理 12
2-1 壓電效應及歷史 12
2-2 壓電材料 16
2-3 線性壓電與本構方程式 17
第三章 懸臂樑式能量擷取器模型 21
3-1 尤拉-伯努利樑介紹 21
3-2 懸臂樑式壓電能量擷取器輸出-動態輸出分析 23
3-2-1 懸臂樑應變分析 23
3-2-2 壓電能量擷取器等效電路模型 24
3-3 懸臂樑式壓電能量擷取器-靜態分析 26
3-3-1 三種形狀函數之推導 27
3-3-2 三種形狀函數之模擬結果 30
3-4 靜態分析應變與d31值計算 31
第四章 壓電能量擷取元件製作 34
4-1 鋯鈦酸鉛介紹 34
4-2氣膠沉積製程 37
4-2-1 氣膠沉積製程簡介 37
4-2-2 氣膠沉積製程分析 40
4-3 壓電微機電製程 46
4-4 退火過程 49
4-5 極化過程 50
4-5-1極化電極材料測試 51
4-5-2極化步驟 52
第五章 實驗結果與討論 54
5-1 材料實驗分析 55
5-1-1 X光繞射晶相分析 55
5-1-2 PZT膜表面分析 57
5-1-3 PZT膜EDS元素分析 60
5-1-4 鐵電分析 64
5-2 製程輸出實驗分析 69
5-2-1 輸出量測架設 69
5-2-2 極化之輸出分析 71
5-2-3 退火之輸出分析 73
5-3 元件參數分析 77
5-3-1 單層元件輸出分析 79
5-3-2 雙層元件輸出分析 81
5-3-3 阻抗分析 84
5-3-4 d31有效值計算 86
5-3-5 元件參數表 91
5-4 能量密度比較 92
第六章 結論與展望 94
6-1 結論 94
6-2 未來展望 95
參考文獻 98
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