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研究生(外文):Jun-Yen Shieh
論文名稱(外文):Hydrodynamic Analysis for a Floating Kuroshio Turbine under Action of Waves
外文關鍵詞:Ocean CurrentFloating Kuroshio TurbineWaveWave Exciting ForceCFD
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波浪是所有海洋結構物都會面臨到的外部環境因素,本研究的對象為浮游式黑潮發電渦輪機組(Floating Kuroshio Turbine;FKT)。當波長較長的波浪經過機組上方時,機組會受到波浪強制力與力矩的作用並且產生對應的運動反應。通常在較為嚴厲的天氣情況,長浪很容易隨之產生,此時位於水下的機組可能會產生劇烈的運動,不論對機組的運作或是壽命都會產生影響。本研究將針對波浪入流下機組所受到的波浪強制力與力矩進行分析,並對機組在波浪下可能產生的運動反應進行概略性的初步評估。
本研究使用的計算流體力學軟體為ANSYS FLUENT,在定速入流上加上不同波長的波浪,並以固定的波斜率輸入對應的波高,探討全機組在工作深度25m、雙轉子運作的情況下受到的波浪強制力與力矩,包含軸向力與垂向力以及俯仰矩。再分別利用快速傅立葉分析求出強制力振幅,利用模擬出的強制力結果評估在這兩方向的平移運動,並探討此俯仰矩作用下機組產生的縱搖運動。而後改變機組的深度至10m與40m觀察強制力與俯仰矩隨機組深度的變化。
Waves are inevitable environmental factor to all marine structures. In the present study, we are going to study wave exciting forces and moment acting on a Floating Kuroshio Turbine (FKT) when long waves propagate over it. FKT will have corresponding motion responses due to the wave exciting forces and moment. In general, FKT needs to face the challenge when weather is severe. Long waves may make FKT do some violent movement, these movements will affect the performance and reduce service life of FKT. Therefore, we are going to analyze the wave exciting forces and moment, and make preliminary evaluation of the movements due to these forces and moment.
In the present study, the CFD software ANSYS FLUENT is used for dealing with the hydrodynamic problems. To simulate the situation that FKT under waves, we add different wavelength and wave height keeping wave slope constant at the inlet, and then calculate the wave exciting force in both x and y direction as well as moment in z direction when FKT working at the depth of 25 meters. Finally use Fast Fourier Transfer to get the amplitude of wave exciting forces and moment, and analyze the movement made by them. We will also calculate the pitch moment and evaluate the corresponding pitch motion. After that, we will change the depth of FKT, make it to the depth of 10 and 40 meters and compare the results to clarify the variation with depth.
The results show that the longer the wavelength or the higher the wave height will make the wave exciting forces and moment larger, and it is obvious that when FKT comes close to free surface, it will also enhance the forces and moment. Therefore, FKT should go deeper to avoid the large amplitude exciting forces and moment when long waves are coming. As a future work, the CFD calculated wave exciting forces and moment may introduced into OrcaFlex as external forces to simulate the motions of FKT with mooring line due to the combining influences of waves and current.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XIV
符號說明 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2黑潮能源概述 2
1-3國內外洋流發電技術研發現況 3
1-4研究目的與方法 7
1-5 本文架構 8
第二章 浮游式黑潮渦輪發電機系統簡介 9
2-1 系統概述 9
2-2 各組件說明 10
第三章 流體動力分析方法概述 11
3-1 統御方程式 11
3-1-2 動量守恆方程式 11
3-2 網格建構 12
3-2-1 網格生成方式 12
3-2-2 數值擴散 12
3-2-3 網格品質 13
3-2-4 網格獨立性 13
3-3紊流模型 13
3-4 數值方法 15
3-4-1 有限體積法 15
3-4-2 流場壓力速度耦合求解 16
3-5 波浪模擬方法 16
3-5-1方法概述 16
3-5-2 Numerical Beach簡介 21
3-6 轉子數值計算方法 22
第四章 文獻驗證 25
4-1文獻簡介 25
4-2二維規則波模擬 27
4-3二維無限長圓管在不同KC數下阻力分析 33
4-4三維有限長圓管阻力分析 36
第五章 全機組計算結果與討論 38
5-1自由液面下穩定流無波浪之流體動力分析 38
5-2波浪參數設定 43
5-3計算域與網格獨立性驗證 47
5-3-1計算域之尾流長度驗證 47
5-3-2計算域之流場寬度驗證 51
5-3-3網格獨立性驗證 54
5-4三維規則波模擬 58
5-5機組在固定波斜率不同波長之入流規則波計算結果分析 61
5-5-1計算模型 61
5-5-2波浪軸向強制力計算結果與運動評估 62
5-5-3波浪垂向強制力計算結果與運動評估 70
5-5-4波浪強制力造成之俯仰矩計算結果與運動評估 78
5-6機組在不同水深之入流規則波計算結果分析 88
5-7單一轉子葉片在波浪下受到的軸向根部彎矩 101
5-8波長200m波浪對全機組影響 104
第六章 結論與展望 114
參考文獻 117
附錄一 119
附錄二 124
附錄三 126
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