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研究生(外文):Bon-Kie Chia
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Study on the Ship Energy-Saving Autopilot System
外文關鍵詞:Free Running ModelPD ControlFuzzy Control
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The PD and fuzzy control autopilot system were tested on a free running model system to study the energy saving efficiency of the autopilot system. The free running model ship can automatically control and maintain a stable speed and straight route by these two automatic steering control system. The route information was collected by the designed program and can be displayed real-time to check the reliability of experimental data.
The test results show that the fuzzy control steering system has better direction heading keeping than that of the PD control steering system with the same speed in the calm sea condition. The heading angle of a model ship is maintaining between 0.5°and -0.5°, as well as the average heading angle is -0.06° controlled by the fuzzy control steering system. The heading angle of a model ship is maintaining between 1.5°and -0.5°, as well as the average heading angle is -0.23° controlled by the PD control steering system. However, the output rudder angle of the fuzzy control steering system was changed frequently, and the average current and power consumption of the steering gear is larger than that of the PD control steering system. The overall energy consumption of the fuzzy steering control system is larger than that of the PD steering control system.
The test results show that the fuzzy control steering system also has better direction heading keeping than that of the PD control steering system with the same speed in the regular wave condition. The heading angle of a model ship is maintaining between 1°and -1.5°, as well as the average heading angle is 0.02° controlled by the fuzzy control steering system. The heading angle of a model ship is maintaining between 2°and -4°, as well as the average heading angle is 0.04° controlled by the PD control steering system. However, the output rudder angle of the fuzzy control steering system was changed frequently, and the average current and power consumption of the steering gear is larger than that of the PD control steering system. The overall energy consumption of the fuzzy steering control system is also larger than that of the PD steering control system.
摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XII
符號說明 XIII
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 自動操舵系統之發展 2
1-2-2 模糊控制理論與類神經網路之發展 3
1-3 研究動機 4
1-4 研究方法與目的 4
1-5 論文結構 5
第二章、PID及模糊理論與控制器架構 6
2-1 PID控制 6
2-1-1 PID控制器基本架構 6
2-1-2 PID操舵控制器架構及演算法 7
2-1-3 PD操舵控制器之設計 8
2-2 模糊控制 9
2-2-1 模糊集合與歸屬函數 9
2-2-2 模糊控制器基本架構 9
2-2-3 模糊操舵控制器之設計 10
第三章、自航試驗系統 14
3-1 船模資料 14
3-2 自航試驗系統之建立 14
3-2-1 自航試驗架構 14
3-2-2 螺槳馬達之選用 15
3-2-3 舵機馬達之選用 16
3-2-4 控制與資料擷取系統 17
第四章、試驗設備校正及試驗程序 19
4-1試驗設備之校正 19
4-1- 1 阻力計之校正 19
4-1-2 起伏計之校正 19
4-1-3 角度計之校正 19
4-1-4 動力儀之校正 20
4-1-5 雷射測距儀之校正 20
4-1-6 加速度計之校正 21
4-2 自航船模物理量之量測 21
4-2-1 船模縱向轉動慣量 21
4-2-1 傾斜試驗與橫搖自由衰減週期運動 22
4-2-3 ZIG-ZAG操縱試驗 23
4-3 試驗程序 24
4-3-1 船模含附屬物阻力試驗程序 24
4-3-2 螺槳單獨性能試驗程序 25
4-3-3自航試驗程序 26
第五章、實驗結果與討論 28
5-1 實驗結果 28
5-1-1 靜穩海況PD控制操舵系統測試結果 28
5-1-2 靜穩海況模糊控制操舵系統測試結果 29
5-1-3 規則波中PD控制操舵系統測試結果 30
5-1-4 規則中模糊控制操舵系統測試結果 31
5-2 結果討論 31
5-2-1 靜穩海況實驗結果討論 31
5-2-2 規則波中實驗結果討論 32
第六章、結論與建議 33
6-1 結論 33
6-2 建議 33
參考文獻 35
附圖 37
附表 91
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