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研究生(外文):Yen-Hsiang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Apply Image Recognition to the Musical Composition Using Piano
外文關鍵詞:Note on detectionmusical interfaceimage processingsignal analysis
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Online musical performances nowadays are popular as the online platforms, like Youtube or Yoku, are widely used. One specific type of performance among these is the instrument solo. Instruments solo using piano, flute, or guitar are recorded and being uploaded to the internet. Some are made as tutorial videos to teach the audiences to learn by themselves. In this paper we explore the possibility transcribing these tutorial video into readable sheet using current software technologies from signal processing and image processing, brining an improvement to the old-fashioned audio signal converting. The experiment is built upon piano solo-playing, as these kinds of performances can be found commonly on Youtube and are easier to perform the video segmentation. In the experiment the comparison between mutual information converting, the sound and video, and single information converting, which is the sound, are discussed. After the discussion, we come to a conclusion whether the adoption of correlative converting is applicable on the other instruments.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖例索引 vii
表格索引 ix
第1章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究貢獻 2
1.3 系統流程 2
1.4 論文架構 4
第2章、 樂理及數位音訊特徵介紹 5
2.1 基本樂理及工具術語簡介 5
2.2 八度音以及移調 7
2.3 和弦 8
2.4 曲速 8
2.5 電子樂器通訊傳輸格式 9
第3章、 琴鍵按壓辨識方法 10
3.1 實驗限制 10
3.2 相關文獻回顧 11
3.3 本實驗系統與方法 12
3.3.1 琴鍵區域提取 12
3.3.2 琴鍵計算器(Key Calculator) 16
3.3.3 琴鍵映射(Mapper) 19
3.3.4 特徵量化 19
3.3.5 特徵訊號處理 22
第4章、 結果比較 27
4.1 與第三方軟體之結果比較 27
4.1.1 複音研究 27
4.1.2 Digital Ear 28
4.1.3 WIDI 29
4.1.4 結果比對 30
4.2 與過去實驗之結果比較 32
4.3 實驗成果展示 34
4.3.1 John Legend – All of me (Pieces) 34
4.3.2 卡農(片段) 36
第5章、 結論 38
5.1 整合歸納 38
5.2 未來改善重點 38
5.2.1 光線環境 38
5.2.2 門檻值 38
5.2.3 樂譜 40
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