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論文名稱(外文):Analysis on the youth’s communicating strategies and receiving news with WeChat
指導教授(外文):Lin Lih-Yun
外文關鍵詞:WeChatyouthstrategysituationmedia culturepractical exampletechnological society
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This study explores how young WeChat users receive and spread news with the medium of WeChat, also the strategies they use to deal with the specific media and social situation. At present, the number of WeChat users has nearly reached 900 million, and social media has become the major platform for more and more young people to read and spread news. Based on the spreading environment and social culture of Chinese mainland, young users would use direct or indirect strategies to receive and spread news in order to meet their requirements.
As for the receiving and spreading of WeChat news, this study mainly utilizes the related theories of media culture and practical examples in the third generation of audience studies. Inspired by the research of journalists’ recording facts and avoiding misfortunes by Xiaoshun, Chen, we take the method of interview, 10 young users with representativeness of strategic communication are interviewed, and we explore the specific process of youth’s strategic communication from both direct and indirect two strategies, five models.
The study shows that the strategies of young users mainly consist of two categories: direct and indirect. The direct one is self operated media, which users creat public account on WeChat, creat content, and form self media in order to deal with specific situation. The indirect one consists of four models: roundabout advancements, use of secret code, support, survive. Users turn news into different communities or change its form to further communicate and spread once again. Meanwhile, to finish communicating and transferring information,they use Internet culture to paraphrase network expression or slang skillfully, and support outstanding news source with payment function which WeChat provides. Grasping technological means, they use the differences of time and techniques to avoid examination. The way of support and voicelessness has exceeded the former frame of strategic communication, it has become a new form of strategic communication.
口試委員會審定書 i
謝誌 ii
摘要 iv
目录 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題意識 1
第二節 研究重要性 9
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 科技社會與微信使用 11
一、琴酒的瘋狂(Gin Graze) 11
二、微小的改變(small change) 13
第二節 第三代受眾研究:媒介文化 15
第三節 實踐典範 21
第四節 小結 31
第三章 架構與方法 35
第一節 研究問題與架構 35
第二節 訪談法 40
第三節 抽樣方法 43
第四節 訪談問題 47
第五節 小結 49
第四章 研究發現 53
第一節 自我發聲之自媒體策略 53
第二節 迂廻轉進:「圈子輿論場」與精准投放 60
第三節 暗碼:媒介文化中的建構與解構 65
第四節 支援:傳播就是力量 68
第五節 夾縫求生:技術差和時間差 70
第六節 小結 72
第五章 結論 75
第一節 結果與討論 75
一、主要發現 75
二、討論 76
第二節 限制與建議 83
一、研究方法的限制和建議 83
二、研究對象的限制和建議 85
書目 87


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