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研究生(外文):Wei-Lin Chen
論文名稱:課綱與國族認同: 探討1997 年國中教科書改革的影響
論文名稱(外文):Curriculum and National Identity: Evidence from the1997 Textbook Reform in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ming-Jen Lin
外文關鍵詞:Textbook ReformNational IdentityLong Term Effect
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Could education content casually affect students’ national identity? We exploit the sharp junior high school textbook reform which introduced large amount of Taiwan-related materials, using regression discontinuity design to tease out the society trend and cohort effect. We find that students exposed to the new textbook are more likely to hold stronger Taiwanese identity. The effect is larger for students who entered academic education track and students endowed with less Taiwan-oriented ideology approximated by the ethnic distribution of the hometown, implying mechanisms of memorizing and socialization with neighborhoods. As the students aged, whether they study the new textbook or not could not predict significant national identity differences. We find that this insignificance emerges from the steeper increasing trend of Taiwanese identity in students not exposed to the new textbook. Whether the steeper increasing trend comes from spill-over effect of the new textbook through peer interaction or from the exposure to the also increasing Taiwanese identity trend of the whole society requires further examination.
1 Introduction 1
2 Background and Textbook Analysis 6
2.1 The curriculum reform of Knowing Taiwan series 6
2.2 Textbook Analysis 7
3 Data 12
4 Main Results 15
4.1 Graphical Analysis 15
4.2 Regression Discontinuity Design 19
4.3 Assumptions of Regression Discontinuity Design 21
4.4 Regression Analysis of the Effect of Knowing Taiwan series 24
4.5 Robustness Check 29
4.5.1 Bandwidth Choice 29
4.5.2 Falsification Test 31
5 Subgroup Analysis 33
5.1 Heterogeneity: Education Track 33
5.2 Heterogeneity: Hometown Ethnicity Distribution 40
6 Long Run Results 47
7 Conclusion 52
A National Identity Distribution and Sample Selection 56
B Observable Characteristics 56
C Bandwidth Sensitivity 60
D Falsification Test 62
E Hoklo Ethnicity Distribution in Taiwan 63
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