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研究生(外文):Kuanyin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Digital platform strategies for PC games
外文關鍵詞:PC gamedigital platformbusiness strategy
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The PC game market rise, fall, and rise again in recent years due to digital platforms reshaping the industry’s landscape. This thesis aims to have a deeper understanding of this digital platform transformation of PC games and develop digital platform strategies for vendors to follow suit. The thesis first develops a general three-stage model for digital platforms based on the dominant industrial leader, Steam, and then compares this model with four major followers in this market to derive general and specific digital platform strategies for vendors to develop their unique competitive advantages based on their market positions. The thesis concludes with a set of implications for PC game vendors to transform their traditional standalone business into a digital platform.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Thesis Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 The Fall and Rise of PC Games 1
1.2 Digital Platforms 1
1.3 Three Major Challenges 2
1.4 Competition Overview 3
1.5 Research Question 4
2. Conceptual Background 5
2.1 Platform Economy and Network Effect 5
2.2 Customer Engagement and Community 6
2.3 Openness of the Platform 7
2.4 Two-Sided Market 7
2.5 Homing Strategies and Exclusives 8
2.6 Summary 9
3. Developing the Digital Platform Strategy model of Steam 10
3.1 An Overview of Steam 10
3.2 The Digital Platform Strategy of Steam 11
3.2.1 The Growing Stage 12
3.2.2 The Scaling Stage 17
3.2.3 The Engaging Stage 19
4. A Comparison with Competitors 23
4.1 Unique Competitive Advantage 25
4.2 Summary 27
5. Discussion 28
5.1 The Growing Stage 28
5.2 The Scaling Stage 28
5.3 The Engaging Stage 29
5.4 Digital platform strategies 30
5.5 Limitations and future research 35
References 39
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