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研究生(外文):Yi-Chi Liao
論文名稱(外文):EdgeVib: Towards Effective Alphanumeric Character Output with Wrist-worn Tactile Displays for Shortcut Messages
指導教授(外文):Bing-Yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:VibrotactileWrist-worn Tactile DisplayAlphanumeric patternsWearable device
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為了能夠在手腕穿戴裝置顯示器上傳遞複雜的圖形,過去許多不同的途徑、試圖提高解析度來完成。然而,很不幸的,這些做法的辨識度通常不太穩定。更嚴重的問題在於,在這樣高解析度的顯示器上面不具有產生清晰圖形的設計原則存在、因此更導致了無法傳遞有效圖形的問題。經過了一系列的使用者受試,我們研究並探討了在較高解析度 (3X3) 以及較低解析度 (2X2) 上傳達圖形的準確度。我們進一步發現:與其提高解析度、降低顯示器解析度反而能達到提高辨識率以及減少消耗時間的結果。循著此結果,我們於是將 EdgeWrite 圖形放到如此 2X2 的解析度上,而結果顯示了一定的辨識率、鼓勵我們繼續探討此一方向。為了要再進一步提高準確度,我們將一筆成型的 EdgeWrite 圖形修改成多筆劃基礎的 EdgeVib圖形。最後在 24 個受試者的實驗中,數據顯示使用 2X2 矩陣的情況下,修改後的圖形,不論是在英文 (85.8% vs. 69.6%) 或數字 (89% vs. 78.5%) 都有較高的準確度。EdgeVib 可以進一步傳遞包含了兩個字元的短訊息,同時保有 83.3% 以上的準確度。本篇論文的結果、我們探討的主題以及我們的設計原則,可以是未來要設計觸覺顯示器的重要依據。
To deliver patterns on wrist-worn tactile displays (WTDs), many approaches attempted to by increase the resolution of tactors. Unfortunately, the recognition rates are usually unstable; furthermore, there is no clear design principle of effective patterns on such WTDs.
Thus, most works focus on simple icons, which provide limited expressivity, and reduce the application scope. After series of user studies investigating the performance between a higher resolution (3X3) array and a lower (2X2) one, we found that instead of raising the resolution of stimulis, decreasing the density could deliver more effective patterns with less time-consuming. Then, we adopted EdgeWrite patterns on such a $2 imes2$ layout, and the results have shed lights on the recognizability of these alphanumeric characters.
To enhance the accuracy, we then modified the uni-stroke EdgeWrite patterns into multi-stroke EdgeVib ones. The results of a 24-participant user study show that the modified version outperforms the original one in both alphabet (85.8% vs. 69.6%) and digits (89% vs. 78.5%) delivered using a 2X2 wrist-worn vibrotactile array. EdgeVib can further be used for effectively delivering 2-character shortcut messages with more than 83.3% recognition rates in overall. The results of our investigation and design principles can be the guidelines for future design of WTDs and other tactile displays.
口試委員會審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
Contents vi
List of Figures ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation.................................. 1
1.2 EdgeVib................................... 3
1.2.1 Contribution ............................ 4
2 Related Works 6
2.1 Communication Using Vibrotactile Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Designing Vibrotactile WTDs ....................... 7
2.3 Creating Stronger Sensation than Vibrotactile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Study Overview 11
3.1 StudyOverview............................... 11
3.2 CommonApparatus............................. 12
3.3 Common Procedure and Tasks ....................... 13
4 User Study 1: Optimal Resolution for Vibrotactile WTDs 15
4.1 Participants ................................. 15
4.2 Procedure and Tasks ............................ 15
4.3 Results.................................... 16
4.3.1 PositionRecognition:........................ 17
4.3.2 LinearPatternRecognition: .................... 17
4.4 Discussion.................................. 17
5 User Study 2: Recognizable Length of EdgeWrite Patterns 20
5.1 Participants ................................. 21
5.2 Procedure and Tasks ............................ 21
5.2.1 Results ............................... 22
5.2.2 Discussion ............................. 23
6 User Study 3: Optimal Segmentation of EdgeWrite Patterns 25
6.1 Participants ................................. 25
6.2 Procedure and Tasks ............................ 26
6.2.1 Results ............................... 27
6.2.2 Discussion ............................. 28
7 Designing EdgeVib 30
7.1 Design Principles .............................. 30
7.2 Performance Evaluation........................... 31
7.3 Evaluation1: Studying EdgeVib Character. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.3.1 Participants............................. 31
7.3.2 Procedure and Tasks ........................ 32
7.3.3 Results ............................... 32
7.4 Evaluation 2: Studying Compound Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.4.1 Participants............................. 33
7.4.2 Procedure and Tasks ........................ 33
7.4.3 Results ............................... 34
7.5 Discussion.................................. 34
8 Discussion and Limitations 35
8.1 Extensibility................................. 35
8.2 Confusion between Lateral and Oblique Orientations . . . . . . . . . . . 35
8.3 Time Efficiency and Multi-tasking..................... 38
9 Conclusion and Future Work 39
Bibliography 40
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