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研究生(外文):Chih-Yuan Sun
論文名稱(外文):Tour Recommendations by Mining Photo Sharing Social Media
指導教授(外文):Anthony J.T. Lee
外文關鍵詞:tour recommendationphoto sharing social networkmean-shift clustering methodLatent Dirichlet Allocation modeldata mining
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With the increasing popularity of photo and video sharing social networks, more and more people have shared their photos or videos with their family members and friends. Therefore, in this study, we propose a framework for recommending travel tours to meet user’s individual interest and time-awareness by using user-generated contents in a photo sharing social network. The proposed framework contains four phases. First, we cluster geotagged locations into landmarks, and further clusters these landmarks into areas by mean-shift clustering method. Second, we employ the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to cluster together similar landmarks. Third, to recommend tours for a user, we compute the tendency (or score) of visiting each landmark by the landmark popularity, attraction of landmark to the user, and how many users similar to the user visit the landmark. Finally, based on the scores computed, we develop an efficient method to recommend top-k tours with highest scores for the user. Unlike most previous methods recommending tours landmark by landmark, our framework recommends tours area by area so that users can avoid going back and forth from one area to another and save plenty of time on transportation, which in turn can visit more landmarks. The experiment results show that our proposed method outperforms the Markov-Topic method in terms of average score and precision. Our proposed framework may help users plan their trips and customize a trip for each individual.
Table of Contents ... i
List of Figures ... ii
List of Tables ... iii
Chapter 1 Introduction ... 1
Chapter 2 Related Work ... 4
Chapter 3 Our Proposed Framework ... 7
3.1 Location clustering ... 8
3.2 Landmark and user characterization ... 8
3.3 Score of each landmark and area ... 11
3.4 Tour recommendation ... 14
Chapter 4 Experiment Results ... 19
4.1 Performance evaluation ... 20
4.2 Example tours ... 24
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work ... 29
References ... 31
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