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研究生(外文):Pin-Syuan Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Decision-Tree Based Classification of E-Visits: A Case Study in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:E-VisitHealthcare AnalyticsData ClassificationDecision TreeHealthcare Insurance Data Mining
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E-Visit is the consultation service delivering the health care online, which is more efficient and effective than in-office visit, especially for patients living in rural area, disabled, or with chronic diseases. Some countries have already implemented e-visits. For the countries have not yet implemented e-visits, the governments have to make a comprehensive preparation and predict the effect of implementing e-visits.
This study proposes a decision-tree based e-visit classification approach (DTEVCA) to determine clinic visits qualified as e-visits using the clinics’ medical records and patients’ demographic data. This study assumes that health care insurance (i.e., national health insurance) will subsidize the e-visit service cost, in which case it is essential to identify patients who will benefit most from e-visit service. Using a large data set from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance, this study verifies the efficiency and validity of the DTEVCA. The results indicate that this approach can accurately classify clinic in-office visits that could switch to e-visit service. The straightforward rules of this decision tree also give insurance agencies a clear guideline to understand the circumstance of using e-visits and predict the effect of implementing e-visits in Taiwan.
The result of this study can help the countries that have not yet implemented e-visits to improve the policy formulation process or academic researches. The DTEVCA can update the classification rules using new data to correct the biases and ensure the stability of the e-visit system. In addition, the concept of this approach is feasible not only for e-visit service but also for other “new services” such as new products or new policies.
Acknowledgment i
論文摘要 ii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Scope and Limitation 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Definition of E-visits 7
2.2 Development History of E-visits 8
2.3 Advantage and Barrier of E-visits 10
2.4 Scope for E-visits 10
2.5 The Characteristics of Patients Who Use E-visits 11
2.6 Binary Classification 13
Chapter 3 Problem Description 16
3.1 Problem Description 16
3.2 Data Preparation 17
3.3 The Class Label Attribute 18
3.4 Classification 18
Chapter 4 The Decision-Tree Based E-Visit Classification Approach (DTEVCA) 20
4.1 Data Collection 21
4.2 Data Preparation 21
4.3 The Class Label Attribute 25
4.3.1 Expert Opinions 26
4.3.2 Expert Classification Model 28
4.4 E-Visit Classification Model Building 28
4.4.1 Model Training 29
4.4.2 Model Assessment 30
4.4.3 Model Selection 30
4.5 Time Complexity 31
Chapter 5 Computation Analysis 33
5.1 Data Description 34
5.2 The Classification by Experts 43
5.3 The Classification of E-Visits 49
5.4 Experiments 51
5.5 Summary 55
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 57
6.1 Conclusion 57
6.2 Future Work 58
Reference 59
Appendix A The Cross-Validation Accuracy of Three Experts’ Trees 63
Appendix B The Tree of Expert 1 64
Appendix C The Tree of Expert 2 65
Appendix D The Tree of Expert 3 67
Appendix E The Overview of the Test Datasets 68
Appendix F The Cross-Validation Accuracy of E-Visit Trees (CART) 69
Appendix G The Cross-Validation Accuracy of E-Visit Trees (C5.0) 70
Appendix H The Cross-Validation Accuracy of E-Visit Trees (Ctree) 71
Appendix I The Accuracy of 30 Test Datasets 72
Appendix J The Recall of 30 Test Datasets 73
Appendix K The Precision of 30 Test Datasets 74
Appendix L The Specificity of 30 Test Datasets 75
Appendix M The E-Visit Tree (C5.0) 76
Appendix N The Cross-Validation Accuracy of Random Forest 80
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