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研究生(外文):Shiue-Chian Deng
論文名稱(外文):Study on Different Types of Detention Pond
指導教授(外文):Hung-Pin Huang
口試委員(外文):Huei-Bang LianHsun-Chuan ChanFan-Chieh Yu
外文關鍵詞:peak dischargedetention volumeon-site detention pondoff-side detention pondpumped-type detention pond
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The object of this study was to explore the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of detention pond. The designation of detention pond may be affected by many factors, especially the relationship of the peak discharge, the detention volume and the forms of detention pond. After reviewing the paper, this study used the Rational Formula and the Triangular Unit Hydrograph method to estimate the detention volume of the development case, and with the flume experiment under fixed slope to analyze the difference at the same flow rate between the different types of the detention pond, such as the on-site detention pond, the off-site detention pond, and the pumped-type detention pond. Finally, comparing the detention volume and safety factor between the experiment in on-site detention pond and the Rational Formula which is commonly use in the Handbook of Soil and Water Conservation to discuss they’re applicability
The per unit width of discharge of the flume experiment in this study is between 0.003~0.0177cms. The on-site detention pond use the circular orifice of the detention dam, the outflow is 10 orifices with horizontal arrangement, and can adjust the number of outflow orifices, the orifice diameter is 3 cm, and 2 cm from the bottom of the bottom, the dam height 30 cm, the detention pond is 4 metes long and 1 cm wide. The off-site detention pond use the side weir which is 60 cm long and the height is 1 to 4 cm. The detention pond is 2 metes long and 50 cm wide and 30 cm height. The pumped-type detention pond is based on off-site detention pond with submergible motor pump, horsepower for the 1/6 horse, Pumping capacity is 0.000556cms.
After analyzing the example of calculus and experimental data, the principle results were as follows:
1.When estimating detention volume in large area(50hectares), the Rational Formula’s detention volume of 12315.6m^3 is more than two types of Triangular Unit Hydrograph’s 6833.97m^3,also more conservative ,and when the development area is small(2 and 1 hectares) ,the Rational Formula’s detention volume will be less than the US SCS Triangular Unit Hydrograph method but greater than the Modify Triangular Unit Hydrograph.
2.The on-site detention pond use the orifice outflow is more efficient, and the flow coefficients in the experiment are similar to those used in the Handbook of Soil and Water Conservation. In the experiment of same total inflow of 1.944 m^3, the posterior peak type rainfall is not only the flood coming later , the detention volume 1.01m^3 is also higher than the front peak type’s 0.93m^3 and the in the peak type’s 0.95m^3, which is more likely to cause flooded.
3.In the off-side detention pond, the lower the side weir height is, the higher the lateral flow is, and in the inflow of 0.0097and 0.011cms, the side flow of 1cm high side weir which is 0.00195 and 0.00225cms is more than 4 cm side weir’s 0.00046 and 0.0007cms about 4.2 and 3.2 times, while using side weir can effectively control the water level that will exceed the over water into the pond.
4.The experiment of pumped-type detention pond , using the pumping capacity of the pump is 0.000556cms ,in the volume of detention pond is 0.3m^3 ,the height of side weir is 1~4cm ,and the flow rate is 0.0043~0.0177cms , can delay the detention pond full of water time extended about 1.5 to 2.5 times the time , and a substantial increase in the amount of detention volume.
5.Under the same inflow and the same outflow peak value in experiment, the ratio of the detention volume between on-site and off-site detention pond is 0.54 and 0.8, and at the same pool bottom area of 4m^3 ,the same inflow and outflow of variable flow ,the off-site detention pond’s detention volume and water depth are 0.76 times of the on-site, and at the same volume the off-site detention capacity will be better.
誌 謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章、前言 1
第二章、文獻回顧 2
2.1 滯洪池水文 2
2.2 滯洪池設計 4
第三章、研究方法 7
3.1 合理化公式法 7
3.2 流量歷線法 11
3.2.1 美國SCS三角形單位歷線法 16
3.2.2 修正三角形單位歷線法 18
3.3 在槽式滯洪池 20
3.4 離槽式滯洪池 22
3.5 抽排式滯洪池 25
第四章、水槽試驗 26
第五章、案例演算之集水區基本資料 32
5.1 集水區基本資料 32
5.2 合理化公式法 35
5.3 美國SCS三角形單位歷線法 38
5.4 修正三角形單位歷線法 49
5.5 演算結果與討論 52
第六章、結果與討論 55
6.1 在槽式滯洪池 55
6.2 離槽式滯洪池 60
6.3 抽排式滯洪池 62
6.4 在槽與離槽式比較 64
第七章、結論 67
參考文獻 70
附錄一、試驗數據 72
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