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研究生(外文):Yun-Jing Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Global Value Chain Analysis ofAgriculture and Food Sectors of East Asia
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsun Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Global Value ChainsWorld Input-Output TablesValue AddedDecomposition of Gross ExportsFinal Goods ExportsIntermediate Exports
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貿易自由化後,農業與食品 (以下簡稱農食) 的出口障礙逐年降低,各國農食的出口貿易額則逐年增加,然各國出口總額當中本國獲取之實際附加價值份額愈發受到關注。本研究利用2000年至2015年的世界投入產出表時間序列數據,以Wang et al. (2013) 提出的出口總額拆解方法,針對台灣、日本、韓國和中國大陸四個地緣相近且以小農經營為主體國家的農食出口結構,釐析各國農食出口實際獲取的附加價值份額以及代表其他意義的份額,另外,亦拆解台灣與其他三國之各別雙邊貿易出口份額,透過單國及雙邊出口之分析,瞭解東亞國家當前農食貿易於全球價值鏈中的位階。
Through trade liberalization, the trade barriers on agricultural and food (agro-food) exports are reducing gradually and the value of global exports are increasing year by year. Therefore, the real gains in terms of domestic value added in a country''s total gross exports get more and more attention. Using the World Input-Output Tables from 2000 to 2014, this study applied the theory provided by Wang et al. (2013) to decompose the agro-food exports of Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Mainland China into various value-added and double counted terms. Also, this study decomposes the gross exports in ago-food sectors at the bilateral level which is focus between Taiwan and the other countries. Through the single and bilateral level analysis of East Asian countries, we try to have a better understanding of Asian East countries'' position in the global value chains in agro-food sectors.
The study found that the share of foreign value added in Taiwan''s total agro-food exports is nearly 30%, relatively higher than the other countries, which shows Taiwan''s agro-food exports rely heavily on imported raw materials. Look in a lot more detail at domestic value added share in Taiwan’s agro-food exports, we could find that the share of intermediate exports is higher than final goods and is increasing. Therefore, there is still room for growth in the added value of agro-food exports. Moreover, we observed the bilateral trade between Taiwan and the other countries and found that the domestic value added is mainly derived from final goods exports.
Also, we could find that the share of Taiwan''s final goods exports in the agro-food imports of Japan and South Korea is increasing, which has shown Taiwan''s agro-food sectors is moving toward mid-stream and upstream of global value chains. However, the main source of domestic value added in the agro-food imports of Mainland China had changed from intermediate goods to final goods. Those results explained that the Taiwan''s export strategy and comparative advantage for Japan and South Korea are different from Mainland China. On the other hand, we could find the domestic value added share in Japan''s and South Korea''s exports is mainly from the value of final goods and two countries'' share all reaches over 80%. Owing to the political and economic relation between Mainland China and Taiwan, the main source of domestic value added has changed from intermediate exports to final goods exports since 2006.
Finally, we considered the export structure of agro-food sectors is similar to industrial sectors. With the adjustment of market globalization and industrial specialization, the agro-food sectors move toward upstream of global value chains. Under the trend of upstream development, it is necessary to combine upstream, mid-stream and downstream of a country''s agro-food sectors. Also, the same category of agro-food export to different countries may gain different value added. Consequently, we can find Taiwan''s best positioning and strategies through the volume of value added and take that as reference of bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture.
謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 貿易自由化下的農食產業 8
第二節 附加價值估算之相關文獻 10
第三章 理論模型與資料來源 13
第一節 跨國投入產出表之理論架構 13
第二節 出口總額之拆解 16
第三節 世界投入產出表 23
第四章 研究結果 25
第一節 出口總額之拆解分析 25
第二節 DVA之拆解分析 29
第五章 結論與建議 33
參考文獻 35
附錄 37
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