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研究生:焦 婭
研究生(外文):YA JIAO
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Influential Factors of the Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Luxury Products in China
指導教授(外文):Li-Fen LeiJerome Geaun
口試委員(外文):Ren-Qing XiaoSheng-Ru Huang
外文關鍵詞:counterfeit luxury goodsperceived riskproduct priceproduct qualitypurchase intention
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With the continuous development of China''s economy and society, luxury consumption has increasingly become a fashion trend. However, at the same time, the market is also filled with more and more counterfeit luxury goods, which has done much harm to both the luxury brand enterprises and the government. Counterfeit luxury goods are in flood, causing a series of serious social and economic problems. A large number of luxury brand enterprises suffered huge losses. At the meantime, it disturbed the economic order and affected the government tax revenue. Also, consumers’ legitimate rights and interests cannot be guaranteed, even affecting the country''s international image. The problem of counterfeit luxury goods’ prevention and control needs to be resolved urgently.

Researches on counterfeit luxury goods consumption are mostly based on the supply behaviors of counterfeit manufacturers. While the root of counterfeit market’s continuous development is actually due to the consumers’ large demand for the counterfeit luxury goods. Thus, this research studies the influential factors of consumers’ purchase intention of counterfeit luxury goods from the consumers’ point of view. Based on the existing literatures, this paper chooses the perceived risk of the psychological characteristics of consumers, product price, product quality, and the general demographic characteristics as main research variables to discuss the relationship between them and consumer purchase intention, also testing the mediation among product quality, perceived risks and purchase intention, for the purpose of making some recommendations to the standard manufacturers and the government.

In this study, 366 useful questionnaires were collected from mainland of China, mostly in Beijing and Shanghai. The data were analyzed by using correlation analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis. The results show that the perceived risks have a significant negative impact on consumers'' willingness to purchase counterfeit luxury goods. And the quality of products has a significant positive impact on purchase intention, which also acts as mediator between perceived risks and purchase intention. The perceived risks of counterfeit luxury goods are divided into functional risk, social- psychological risk and after-sales risk. Functional risk and social-psychological risk have a significant negative impact on the purchase intention, whose effects are in a different way. The positive impact of product price is likely due to conspicuous consumption features of luxury goods. As Veblen goods, the higher the prices, the higher the purchase intention. According to the results of the study, it is suggested that enterprises can strengthen the difficulty of counterfeit manufacturing, increase the gap between counterfeit goods and genuine goods, and draw support from public opinion pressure to raise the perceived risks of consumers. Also, the brand enterprises can establish the entry lux or second class brand, implement timely promotions, increase the added value of products and focus on continuous improvement of qualities. In the long term, guiding consumers to establish a correct and rational consuming values is also of importance.
第一章 緒論………………….............……………………………..1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………..……………………..........…..3
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………..…..7
第一節 奢侈品及其特徵………………………………….......7
第二節 仿冒及仿冒奢侈品…………………………….....…..8
第三節 仿冒品購買行為研究…………………………..……10
第四節 消費者仿冒奢侈品知覺風險與購買意願…..........…17
第三章 研究假設與分析方法…………………………...…………22
第一節 研究假設………………………………………..……22
第二節 問卷設計………………………………………..……24
第三節 資料分析方法………………..………………………28
第四章 實證分析結果…………………………………………...…33
第一節 樣本敘述性統計分析……………...……………...…33
第二節 信度、效度分析………………………………......…40
第三節 因素分析……………………………………..........…42
第四節 T檢定與單因子變異數分析…………………...…….47
第五節 相關分析………………………………………...……52
第六節 迴歸分析 ……………………………………….........54
第七節 本章小結…………………………………………....…61
第五章 結論…………………………………….......………………65
附錄一 樣本數據之項目分析……………………………….......…76
附錄二 正式調查問卷……………………………………….......…79
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1. 品牌聯想、知覺風險對企業經理人購買意願之影響研究
2. 網路書店瀏覽者之產品涉入、知覺風險影響其購買意願之研究
3. 影響消費者網路購物購買意圖關係之探討
4. 民眾有機食品認知、知覺風險對購買意願影響之研究-以台中縣市民眾為例
5. 消費者類型與知覺風險對網際網路購物意願影響之研究
6. 探討信任與知覺風險為中介變項之消費者購物意願結構模式研究--虛擬通路型態與產品類別之比較分析
7. 網路拍賣之知覺風險、風險管控措施、信任與購買意向間關係之研究
8. 網路推薦訊息類型對消費者信任、知覺風險、知覺品質以及對購買意願之影響
9. 消費者知覺風險、網站特質與賣方特質對拍賣網站購物意願影響之研究
10. 網路購物品牌形象、品牌信任、知覺價值、知覺風險對購買意願影響之研究-以網路購買服飾商品為例
11. 商店形象與自有品牌形象對自有品牌知覺風險、知覺品質、知覺價值與購買意願之影響-以大型量販店為例
12. 消費者對有機食品購買意願之研究
13. NIKE運動產品消費者對品牌形象與購買意願模式之研究-線性結構方程模式之驗證
14. 全球資訊網之媒體特性對線上購買意圖的影響─消費者涉入型態與知覺風險干擾效果之探討
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