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研究生(外文):Chien-Hao Wang
論文名稱:物聯網技術於智慧領域之應用 – 以農業與廣域電網為例
論文名稱(外文):Internet of Things Applications for Smart Areas: Case Studies in Agriculture and Wide-area Power Grids
外文關鍵詞:Internet of thingwireless sensor networksmart agriculturesmart gridsextra-high voltagesafety monitoring system
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Internet of Things (IoTs) is network architecture consisting of a number of key elements such as sensing, network and application layers. Devices can perform sensing, control and other activities, and can communicate with a gateway or other devices for data transmission through the internet. The main mission of the network layer is information transmission, routing and control. Application layer provides information processing, computing and other basic services to achieve the goal of the Internet of things with a variety of applications. Recently, the applications of IoTs mainly focus on smart home, smart industrial manufacturing and public construction of the smart city, and researchers and manufacturers have pay attention to the development of the applications. The application of the IoTs, however, should not be confined to these areas. In view of this, it is necessary to develop a total solution for different areas of research with the IoTs technology.
In order to meet the requirements described above, in Chapter III, a wireless sensor network-based monitoring system with a dynamic convergecast tree algorithm for precision cultivation management in orchid greenhouses is present. The data delivery rate could be improved by using the proposed algorithm and the system could automatically monitor the environmental parameters of an orchid greenhouse. Moreover, the distributions of the environmental parameters could be reconstructed with the sensor data to find the hotspot in the greenhouse, and provide important monitoring information to the industry to improve greenhouse practices.
Internet of things-based applications designed for smart grids are discussed in Chapter IV. In this chapter, an Internet of things-based grid-wide safety monitoring (SM) system for extra-high voltage (EHV) power grids is proposed. The proposed SM system includes three major parts: a front-end wireless sensor network consisting of EHV sensor modules, a backbone communication network comprising gateways, and a smart management service cloud for EHV power grids. To verify the functionalities of the proposed SM system, a number of experiments were conducted in an actual EHV environment.
Both the presented cases of smart agriculture and smart grid are evaluated via computer simulation and real world tests. The experimental results show that the two proposed cases can provide a total solution in that area.
Acknowledgements (Chinese) ii
Abstract (Chinese) iii
Abstract iv
List of Illustrations ix
List of Tables xiii
Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivations 3
1.3 Research contributions 4
1.4 Organization of the dissertation 5
Chapter II Internet of things (IoTs) technology 7
2.1 Overview 7
2.2 The Architecture of an IoTs 9
2.2.1 Sensing layer 11
2.2.2 Network layer 12
2.2.3 Application layer 14
2.3 Challenges and future prospects 16
Chapter III Case study in smart agriculture - A Wireless Sensor Network-based Monitoring System with Dynamic Convergecast Tree Algorithm for Precision Cultivation Management in Orchid Greenhouses 24
3.1 Overview 24
3.2 Design of WSN-based Monitoring System 29
3.2.1 Architecture of the monitoring system 29
3.2.2 Components of the monitoring system 31
3.2.3 Dynamic convergecast tree algorithm 35
3.2.4 Contour map construction method — Kriging spatial interpolation 47
3.3 Experimental procedures conducted in an automatically controlled orchid greenhouse 48
3.4 Experimental results and discussion 49
3.4.1 Experimental results in the automatically controlled orchid greenhouse 50
3.4.2 The contour map construction of environmental factors in the greenhouse 54
Chapter IV Case study in smart grid - An Internet of Things-Based Grid-Wide Safety Monitoring System for EHV Power Grids 57
4.1 Overview 57
4.2 Design of Safety Monitoring System 61
4.2.1 Extra High Voltage Sensor Module 62
4.2.2 Gateway 69
4.2.3 Smart management service (SMS) cloud 73
4.3 Sensor reading calibration 82
4.4 Communication test of the SM system in EHV laboratory environment 92
4.4.1 High voltage laboratory environment 92
4.4.2 High current laboratory environment 96
4.4.3 Lighting Surge laboratory environment 98
4.5 Communication test of gateways in wild field 99
4.6 Data visualization (DV) platform 101
Chapter V Conclusions and future works 103
References 107
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