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研究生(外文):Wei-Yun Lai
論文名稱(外文):A transcriptomic study identifying alternative splicing events caused by Ds transposon family during abiotic stresses in Maize
指導教授(外文):Li-yu Daisy LiuYuh-Chyang Charng
外文關鍵詞:RNA-SeqDs transposonalternative splicingabiotic stress
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Transposable elements (TE) are the mobile and replicable sequences within the genome. Particularly, 85% of maize genome is composed of TEs. It has been demonstrated that a TE insertion can possibly introduce alternative splicing (AS) junction sites in the intron of a gene and result in new isoforms. AS events in plants have also been reported to be responsive to environmental stresses. To understand the roles of alternative splicing caused by insertions of the Ds elements, a family of well-studied DNA TE, during abiotic stresses, we assembled and analyzed 53 stress-related RNA-Seq libraries of maize under drought, osmotic, salt, heat, cold, water flooding, and UV stresses.
Among all assembled transcripts, 68% are known transcripts, 25% are novel isoforms of known genes, and 7% are intergenic transcripts. In most stressed samples, the total transcripts would be greater than those in the corresponding controlled samples. The functional annotations of the genes differentially expressing known transcripts were distinct from those of novel isoforms, together, highlighting the importance of AS in enhancing transcriptomic diversity during abiotic stresses. The identification of partial Ds sequences in the isoforms of 8 annotated and 1 putative intergenic genes suggested that the Ds elements can affect the splicing of inserted genes through 4 mechanisms including intron retention, exonization, alt-transcription start site, and alt-polyadenylation site. Several Ds-related isoforms appeared to be induced by a specific abiotic stress. In conclusion, our results implied that the AS isoforms resulted from TE insertion may contribute to the transcriptomic responses to diverse abiotic stresses in maize.
口試委員審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
Table index viii
Figure index ix
Introduction 1
Materials and Methods 6
2.1 Data processing and reads mapping 6
2.2 Transcript assembly using Cufflinks 6
2.3 Combination with reference annotation using Cuffmerge 7
2.4 Differential expression (DE) analysis 7
2.5 GO enrichment analysis 8
2.6 Ds elements discovery 8
Results 10
3.1 RNA-Seq Transcriptome Analysis reveals novel transcripts 10
3.2 Numbers of isoform increased during abiotic stresses 13
3.3 Transcriptome differential expression between control and stresses and GO enrichment of the genes expessing DE isoforms 14
3.4 Ds transposons involved in alternative splicing 17
3.5 Ds-related isoforms may be induced by abiotic stresses, or expressed in specific tissues and growth stages 21
Discussion 25
4.1 The role of alternative splicing in the response to abiotic stresses 25
4.2 Ds transposons involved in alternative splicing during abiotic stresses 28
Conclusion 32
Reference 33
Supplementary Sequences 59
Supplementary Tables 63
Supplementary Figures 64
Appendix 73
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