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研究生(外文):Chung-Yuan Lan
論文名稱(外文):Proximity Effect Correction for Multiple Electron Beam Direct Write Systems
外文關鍵詞:LithographyElectron BeamEPCE-beam Proximity CorrectionMEBDW
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The feature size of Integrated Circuits (IC) is getting smaller and smaller due to the desired continuation of Moore’s Law, but the resolution of today’s techniques is not enough. Hence, various candidates of next-generation lithography are presented. Electron beam lithography is a potential next-generation lithography because of its high resolution and accuracy. The drawback of e-beam lithography is its low throughp ut, which can be solved by applying a massive parallel writing system. In addition, compression algorithms are proposed to compensate the low speed of e-beam systems. However, some process effects are needed to be improved. Among them, proximity effect causes the original layout circuit differ from the exposed one, which may fail the whole circuit and is intolerable. In this thesis, we proposed rule-base electron beam proximity correction (EPC) methods to modify the original input circuits before the exposure process. The purpose is not to modify the parameters of the e-beam system while compensate the influence of proximity effect after exposure. There is a trade-off between correction and compression, and we conclude that these two techniques can be combined to find a balance between them.
口試委員審定書 ................................................................................................................ i
誌謝 ................................................................................................................................... ii
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... iv
CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. x
Chapter 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................1
1.1 Lithography.....................................................................................................2
1.2 Motivation and Contribution ..........................................................................4
1.3 Organization....................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 Preliminaries.............................................................................................6
2.1 Multiple Electron Beam Lithography .............................................................6
2.1.1 MAPPER ...............................................................................................7
2.1.2 Reflective Electron Beam Lithography ...............................................10
2.2 Proximity Effect............................................................................................15
2.3 Electron Beam Proximity Correction Methods ............................................21
2.3.1 Dose Modification ...............................................................................21
2.3.2 Shape Modification .............................................................................24
2.3.3 Other Methods .....................................................................................25
2.4 Data Compression Algorithms......................................................................27
Chapter 3 Methodology ...........................................................................................31
3.1 Specifications................................................................................................31
3.2 Modeling .......................................................................................................33
3.3 Rule-based Electron Beam Proximity Correction ........................................38
Chapter 4 Experime ntal Results .............................................................................45
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work ................................................................59
REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................61
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