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研究生(外文):Ye-Sing Luo
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive AC-DC Converters for Wireless Power Transmission
外文關鍵詞:Adaptive AC-DC Converter
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For the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable devices, and implantable medical devices, the wireless power transmission is receiving significant attention. In these applications, the external power from a transmitter is transmitted by the coils / antennas, and an AC voltage will be received in a wireless device. To convert the AC voltage into a DC one for the device working, an AC-DC converter is widely adopted. The cores of the AC-DC converters usually use a diode-connected MOS transistor or a comparator-based active diode. However, the diode-connected MOS transistor and the active diode suffer from the threshold voltage of a transistor and the turn on/off delay time of the comparator, respectively. Both of them reduce the output voltage and the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the AC-DC converters. Hence, increasing the output voltage and the PCE are the crucial topics for the AC-DC converters.
This thesis presents two AC-DC converters to increase their output voltages and PCEs. In chapter 2, an AC-DC converter with adaptive threshold voltage compensation is presented. A compensation voltage is adjusted in the background to compensate the threshold voltage of the transistors. The output voltage and the PCE of the AC-DC converter are increased. In chapter 3, an AC-DC converter using an adaptive pulse controller is presented to receive the low input amplitude. The adaptive pulse controller adjusts the delay time and pulse-width of the pulses in the background to turn on/off the power switches. The output voltage is kept as high as possible, and the PCE of this AC-DC converter is enhanced. Finally, the conclusions are given in chapter 4.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Dissertation Organization 3

2. An AC-DC Converter With Adaptive Threshold Voltage Compensation 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Circuit Description 8
2.2.1 Voltage Distributor 12
2.2.2 Timing Controller and Oscillator 13
2.2.3 Clock Boosting Circuit and a Sample-and-Hold Circuit 16
2.2.4 Digital-to-Analog Converter 17
2.2.5 Settling Times of the Voltage Multiplier and ATVC 18
2.3 Experimental Results 20

3. An AC-DC Converter Using Adaptive Delay Time and Pulse-Width Control 27
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Circuit Description 30
3.2.1 Performance Analysis 36
3.2.2 Timing Generator 44
3.2.3 Controller 46
3.2.4 Digitally-Controlled Delay Line 48
3.2.5 Pulse Width Modulator 48
3.2.6 Power Switches 52
3.3 Experimental Results 54

4. Conclusion and Future Work 65
4.1 Conclusion 65
4.2 Future Work 66

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