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研究生(外文):Hsien-Che Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Low-Power and Small-Area Jitter Detector Using Asynchronous Sampling
指導教授(外文):Shen-Iuan Liu
外文關鍵詞:data jitteron-chipmulti-phaseasynchronous samplingjitter distributionhistogram
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隨著半導體製程往摩爾定律方向持續前進,電路設計的技術日新月異,對於有線資料傳輸速度的要求也愈來愈高。然而,當資料在高速傳輸時卻受限於通道非線性造成的劣化,其中資料轉態點在時域上的不理想性稱為時間抖動。通常會在接收端加入等化器和時脈資料回復電路以緩解資料抖動情形,因此對於接收端電路特性評估而言,抖動為一個非常重要的考量因素。本論文旨在發展一適用於有線通訊系統接收端資料抖動的偵測器。訴求於低功耗及低面積的前提下,達到以單晶片系統電路測量的方式來取代昂貴的量測儀器。應用於25億位元每秒的接收端電路,藉由所提出的低速、多相位時脈、非同步的取樣方式,從高速傳輸的資料中,可準確偵測資料抖動的分佈。此電路實現於40奈米低功耗CMOS製程,操作於1.1伏特,偵測器的功率消耗僅2.55毫瓦。 最後,電路核心所占面積為18125平方微米。
The semiconductor process development follows the direction that Moore’s law sends. The skill of the circuit design also keeps growth in recent years. High-speed wireline communication is in high demand. However, the high-speed communication may suffer from the nonlinearity of the lossy channel. The imperfections of the received data in time domain is called “timing jitter”. Usually, an equalizer and a clock/data recovery circuit are two important building blocks, which are used to improve the jitter performance of the received data. Therefore, the jitter is one of the key factors to characterize the circuits of the receiver in wireline communication. This thesis introduces a jitter detector for the received data in wireline communication. The on-chip measurement using the low-power and small-area method can substitute for the expensive automatic test equipment. The proposed work is applied in 2.5Gb/s circuit of the receiver. By using the low-speed, multi-phase, and asynchronous method, the data jitter distribution could be detected accurately from the high-speed incoming data. This circuit is implemented in 40-nm CMOS Technology. The power consumption of the jitter detector is only 2.55mW from a 1.1V supply. Finally, the core occupies an area of 18125um^2.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Wireline Communication 2
1.3 Gauging Performance of Received Data 3
1.3.1 Eye Diagram 3
1.3.2 Bathtub Curve 4
1.4 Brief Summary 5

2 Analysis of the Timing Jitter 7
2.1 Overview 7
2.2 Composition of Timing Jitter 8
2.3 Random Jitter and Sinusoidal Jitter 9
2.3.1 Random Jitter 9
2.3.2 Sinusoidal Jitter 10
2.4 Brief Summary 12

3 A Low-Power and Small-Area Jitter Detector Using Asynchronous Sampling 13
3.1 Motivation 14
3.2 Reconstruction of Jitter distribution 15
3.2.1 High-Speed Multi-Phase and Synchronous Sampling 16
3.2.2 Low-Speed Multi-Phase and Asynchronous Sampling 17
3.2.3 Proposed Low-Speed Sampling With Reconstructing Distribution 18
3.3 Performance Analysis 20
3.3.1 Data with Gaussian Jitter and Ideal Sampling Clock 20
3.3.2 Data with Gaussian Jitter and Real Sampling Clock 25
3.3.3 Data with Sinusoidal Jitter and Ideal Sampling Clock 27
3.3.4 Data with Sinusoidal Jitter and Real Sampling Clock 29
3.4 Circuit Description 31
3.4.1 Data Transition Detection and Number of Sampling Clocks 31
3.4.2 Delay-Locked Loop 32
3.4.3 Jitter Detector 34
3.4.4 Transistor-level Simulation by HSPICE 37
3.5 Experimental Results 39
3.6 Conclusion 43

4 Clock and Data Recovery Using Charge-Steering Logic Circuits 45
4.1 Motivation 46
4.2 Charge-Steering Logic Circuits 47
4.2.1 Charge-Steering Latch 47
4.2.2 Charge-Steering Flip-Flop 49
4.3 Design of 10-Gb/s CDR /De-multiplexer 50
4.3.1 Half-rate Linear Phase Detector 51
4.3.2 LC VCO and Loop Filter 53
4.3.3 Divider, De-multiplexer, and RZ-to-NRZ Converter 55
4.4 Experimental Results 56
4.4.1 Measurements of Eye Diagram and Clock Spectrum 56
4.4.2 Measurements of Jitter Transfer and Jitter Tolerance 58
4.5 Conclusion 59

5 Conclusion and Future Work 61
5.1 Conclusion 62
5.2 Future Work 62

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