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研究生(外文):Che-Lun Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Yagi-Uda Type Nanoantennas Using the Parallelized Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
指導教授(外文):Hung-Chun Chang
外文關鍵詞:FDTD methodFar-field propertyYagi-Uda antennaDual-Sphere nanoantenna
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The finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) has been widely used in computational electromagnetics. We developed a parallelized three-dimensional (3-D) FDTD simulator in C++ language. The message passing interface (MPI) protocol is applied to our simulator for parallelizing several computers in the computation in order to speed up the process and shorten the simulation time.
In this research, the main topic is to analyze the far-field properties of metallic and all-dielectric nano-antennas, and we focus on Yagi-Uda type structures. Due to low loss, the all-dielectric nano-antennas have earned much attention recently. Yagi-Uda antennas possess high directivity, however the large size of their structure is a major drawback. Yagi-Uda nano-antennas have relatively small size, thus it can avoid the size drawback. In this research, the wave source is a broadband single emitter. We analyze nano-antennas and discuss the difference between all-dielectric and metallic structures. Considering practical applications, we also study the Yagi-Uda nano-antennas on substrate. On the other hand, the Cylindrical-Rod Yagi-Uda nano-antennas are also investigated in this thesis.
Chapter 1 Introduction..1
1.1 Motivation .. 1
1.2 Introduction to Computational Electromagnetics .. 2
1.3 Chapter Outline .. 3
Chapter 2 The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method ..5
2.1 The Yee Algorithm and Update Equation .. 5
2.2 The Courant Stability Limit .. 7
2.3 Dispersive Materials Model .. 8
2.3.1 The Drude Model .. 8
2.3.2 The Lorentz Model .. 10
2.3.3 The Auxiliary Differential Equation (ADE) Method .. 11
2.4 The Total-field / Scatter-field Technique .. 13
2.5 Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layer (CPML) .. 14
2.6 Periodic Boundary Conditions (PBCs) .. 16
2.7 Parallelized FDTD Method .. 16
2.8 Verification of Some FDTD Simulation Cases .. 18
2.8.1 Verification for 2-D Circular Cylinders .. 19
2.8.2 Verification for 3-D Silver Sphere .. 20
2.9 Validation of the Near-to-Far-Field Transformation .. 20
2.9.1 Radiation pattern .. 23
2.9.2 Directivity .. 25
Chapter 3 Yagi-Uda Sphere Nano-Antennas Excited by a Dipole
Emitter ..43
3.1 Dual-sphere Nano-Antennas.. 44
3.1.1 The comparisons between all-dielectric and metallic structure .. 45
3.1.2 The Metallic Dual-Sphere Nano-Antenna .. 46
3.2 Asymmetry Structure .. 47
3.2.1 Dual-sphers Nano-Antenna with Directors: All-Dielectric(Si) Case .. 48
3.2.2 Dual-sphere with Directors: The Metallic(Ag) case .. 49
3.2.3 The substrate in consideration .. 49
3.3 Electric and Magnetic Resonance in Particles .. 50
Chapter 4 Cylindrical-Rod Yagi-Uda nano-antenna excited by dipole
emitter ..69
4.1 Cylindrical-Rod Yagi-Uda Nano-antenna .. 69
4.1.1 Comparison between different length metallic Cylinder Nanoantenna .. 69
4.2 Cylindrical-Rod Yagi-Uda Nano-antenna With Hemisphers Ends .. 71
4.3 On the Substrate .. 72
Chapter 5 Conclusions..87
Bibliography ..90
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