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研究生(外文):Wang-Lin Chuang
論文名稱(外文):RF Front-end Passive Components of 79GHz Automobile Rear Anti-collision Radar
外文關鍵詞:ADASrat race couplerwide HPBW patch antenna
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先進駕駛輔助系統(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems;ADAS),是近年來各車廠積極發展的智慧車輛技術,而車用雷達系統是先進駕駛輔助系統中非常重要的部分。
In recent years, the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are the smart vehicle technology that the vehicular manufacturers actively develop. The automotive radars are important parts in the ADAS.
In this paper, we study the passive components used in parking anti-collision radar system, including the rat race coupler and wide half-power-beam-width parasitic patch antenna. We proposed a new method to improve the equivalent circuit model of transmission line section for T-coil structure, and we used lumped circuits to design the rat race coupler on integrated passive component process and re-distribution layer of wafer level package process to achieve the compact circuit size.
At the same time, we design the patch antenna on the package substrate to make the whole radar system integrated on a substrate. We used the grounded parasitic components to enhance the half power beam-width of E-plane of the patch antenna to increase the detection angle of the system.
口試委員會審定書 I
致謝 II
摘要 III
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 文獻回顧 4
1.3. 論文貢獻 6
1.4. 章節內容概述 7
第二章 停車後向防撞雷達系統基本原理 8
2.1. 雷達系統基本原理與分類 9
2.2. 頻率調變連續波雷達原理 11
2.3. 鼠線耦合器基本原理 13
2.4. 微帶天線基本原理 16
第三章 以集總元件取代傳輸線之微型化鼠線耦合器 20
3.1. 集總元件電路建立傳輸線等效模型 20
3.2. 以IPD製程設計鼠線耦合器 38
3.3. 以RDL平行板電容設計鼠線耦合器 43
3.4. 以RDL指叉式電容設計鼠線耦合器 47
3.5. 模擬結果比較 50
第四章 寬半功率波束頻寬寄生天線 52
4.1. 設計規格與參數 52
4.2. 設計於封裝基板之微帶天線 55
4.3. 寬半功率波束頻寬之微帶寄生天線 59
4.4. 模擬與量測結果 77
第五章 79GHZ車用後向雷達系統 83
5.1. 系統架構 83
5.2. 系統模擬分析 85
5.3. 79GHZ車用後向雷達系統封裝模擬 92
第六章 結論 101
參考文獻 103
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