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研究生(外文):Yen-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Phased Array Antenna Modules with Dual Ports forIndependent Transmitting and Receiving BeamForming Networks
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Tseng Chou
口試委員(外文):Tzong-Lin Wu
外文關鍵詞:Subarray modularizationDual Antenna portsIndependent TX and RX BFNMillimeter Wave
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This paper presents the design of a subarray module for the implementation of phased array of antennas at millimeter wave frequency band. In particular, two antenna ports are created to provide the possibility of implementing self-sufficient independent beamforming networks for the transmitting and receiving systems by embedding a circulator. The radiation pattern of the module is properly designed to avoid the appearance of grating lobes in the formation of phased array of antennas.The radiation characteristics of both the subarray module and the phased array of antennas are examined by numerical simulation and experimental measurement over the antenna prototypes.
誌謝............................................... i
中文摘要............................................ ii
ABSTRACT ......................................... iii
目錄............................................... iv
圖目錄............................................. vi
表目錄............................................. ix
Chapter 1 論文內容介紹............................. 1
1.1 研究背景....................................... 1
1.2 論文貢獻....................................... 1
1.3 章節概緒....................................... 2
Chapter 2 環行器基本理論............................ 4
2.1 鐵氧體材料的基本介紹............................. 4
2.2 磁導係數張量.................................... 5
2.3 鐵氧體線寬...................................... 7
2.4 飽和磁化量與居禮溫度.............................. 8
2.5 電磁磁波在鐵氧體中的傳播特性........................ 9
2.6 鐵氧體環行器電磁場分析............................. 11
2.7 環行器之散射矩陣.................................. 13
Chapter 3 毫米波環行器設計............................ 16
3.1 鐵氧體材料的選擇.................................. 16
3.2 微帶線基本理論.................................... 17
3.3 毫米波微帶線環行器設計............................. 19
3.4 毫米波基板合成環行器設計............................ 24
3.4.1 基板合成波導理論................................. 24
3.4.2 基板合成波導環行器模擬結果........................ 26
3.4.3 基板合成波導環行器量測結果........................ 30
Chapter 4 串列式微帶陣列天線........................... 35
4.1 矩形微帶天線....................................... 35
4.1.1 矩形微帶天線設計................................. 36
4.1.2 矩形微帶天線模擬結果.............................. 38
4.2 陣列因子........................................... 39
4.3 2×2 串接式微帶陣列天線設計.......................... 42
4.4 三層板2×2 串接式微帶陣列天線........................ 49
Chapter 5 相位陣列天線模組............................57
5.1 天線收發系統...................................... 57
5.2 基板合成波導環行器與微帶陣列天線之整合............... 58
5.3 相位陣列天線模組量測結果............................ 63
5.4 1×8 高增益微帶陣列天線............................. 68
5.5 相位陣列天線之波束成形.............................. 74
Chapter 6 結論........................................ 76
參考文獻.............................................. 78
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