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研究生(外文):Shang-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Asynchronous PAM-4 Signal Quality Monitoring Method of High-Speed Wired Communication System
外文關鍵詞:Asynchronous samplingSignal quality monitoringEye diagramHigh-Speed wired communication systemOptical fiber communicationPAM-4 signal
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With the rapid development of 4G, 5G mobile communication and High Definition (HD) video, the information volume carried by traditional NRZ signal is not enough for today’s needs. Because the PAM-4 signal can carry twice the information volume of the NRZ signal, the PAM-4 signals have been adopted to replace NRZ signals in the next generation high-speed wired communication system.
There are different types of noise, dispersion, attenuation, et cetera. which affect the overall signal transmission quality in the high-speed wired communication system, so real-time signal quality monitoring and analysis for high-speed wired communication system is indispensable. Due to the high data rate in high-speed wired communication system, a complex high-speed CDR (clock data recovery) circuit is needed for recovering the clock from the signal during the signal quality analysis in synchronous sampling. In this thesis, asynchronous sampling is employed on the receiver end which can avoid the use of the CDR to effectively reduce design cost of signal monitoring. A part from that, the asynchronous sampling can also be used in multi-channel systems of various data rates.
In this thesis, asynchronous sampling of the PAM-4 signal is adopted, and an novel algorithm is development for reconstructing the PAM-4 signal eye diagrams. Because the PAM-4 signal is different from the NRZ signal, we proposed an eye segmentation and eye pattern overlap method for estimating the parameters of each individual PAM-4 signals’ sub-eye diagrams. The parameters include eyewides, eyeheights, peak-to-peak jitters, and symbol error rates. After extracting the signal parameters, the best sampling position for the overall signal can be determined.
The PAM-4 eye-diagram parameter analysis algorithm presented in this thesis can obtain the signal parameters rapidly with a simple implementation. With slight modification, it can be applied for real-time signal quality monitoring and analysis of higher-order modulated signals.
Abstract........................................................... iv
第一章 緒論........................................................ 1
1.1 前言........................................................1
1.2 研究主題及主要貢獻..........................................1
1.3 論文架構....................................................3
第二章 訊號品質監測背景知識介紹.................................... 4
2.1 訊號品質相關名詞介紹........................................4
2.1.1 符號/位元錯誤率.......................................4
2.1.2 訊號雜訊比............................................4
2.2 眼圖介紹....................................................5
2.2.1 眼圖參數介紹..........................................6
2.3訊號格式................................................... 12
2.3.1 不歸零編碼...........................................12
2.3.2 四階脈波振幅調變.....................................13
2.3.3 NRZ訊號與PAM-4訊號之比較...........................14
2.4 PAM-4訊號之錯誤率......................................... 17
第三章 非同步眼圖重建演算法........................................19
3.1 非同步取樣介紹.............................................19
3.2 非同步直方圖介紹...........................................21
3.3 非同步眼圖重建.............................................23
3.3.1 非同步眼圖重建介紹...................................23
3.3.2 滑動FIR濾波器演算法介紹............................. 25
3.4 PAM-4訊號非同步眼圖重建演算法............................. 32
3.5 PAM-4訊號之眼圖偏移及修正................................. 36
第四章 PAM-4眼圖參數分析演算法...................................46
4.1 PAM-4眼圖分割............................................. 46
4.2 時脈抖動及眼寬估測演算法...................................49
4.3 眼圖統計直方圖之雜點消除法.................................55
4.4 眼高估測演算法.............................................58
4.5 眼圖最佳取樣位置決定演算法.................................66
第五章 演算法模擬及實驗結果........................................71
5.1 模擬環境...................................................71
5.2 1550nm EML PAM-4模擬結果................................. 73
5.2.1 B2B模擬結果......................................... 74
5.2.2 5公里SMF傳輸模擬結果...............................75
5.2.3 10公里SMF傳輸模擬結果..............................76
5.2.4 15公里SMF傳輸模擬結果..............................77
5.2.5 20公里SMF傳輸模擬結果..............................78
5.2.6 25公里SMF傳輸模擬結果..............................79
5.3 1550nm DML PAM-4模擬結果................................. 80
5.3.1 B2B模擬結果......................................... 80
5.3.2 3公里SMF傳輸模擬結果...............................81
5.3.3 5公里SMF傳輸模擬結果...............................82
5.3.4 7公里SMF傳輸模擬結果...............................83
5.4 模擬結果的趨勢比較.........................................84
5.5 實驗結果...................................................89
第六章 結論與未來展望..............................................92
6.1 結論.......................................................92
6.2 未來展望...................................................93
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