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研究生(外文):Zhi-Xian Liao
論文名稱(外文):Reaction Vector Based Force/Torque Impedance Control for Cooperative Dual Arm Robot
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:Dual arm manipulator7-DoF redundant manipulatorcollision avoidancereaction vector systemdual arms cooperation
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With the advantage of technology and increasing of labor cost, there is an increasing tend in industrial automation. At the beginning, the industry use single-arm robot to replace employees of production line. However, there are many motion which human can achieve but single-arm robot can’t. They need another holder or aids to help them finishing the mission. In order to solve this problem, the research of multi robots synchronized working and the research of dual-arm robot emerge along with it. Because of the low cost of dual-arm robot, high space utilization, the anthropomorphic dexterity, and anthropomorphic high coordination degree, the dual-arm robot become the main trend of development. In addition to having dexterous arms, dual-arm cooperation makes human arms more omnipotent. The safety issue of collision avoidance can’t be ignored when dual arms are cooperating.
Therefore, this thesis proposes and implements a cooperation system for a modularized 7 degrees of freedom dual-arm manipulator, which have a reaction vector system to detect the risk of collision and avoid the collision. And the motion of the dual-arm manipulator is based on impedance torque control. Through the vision sensor, the dual-arm manipulator can detect and decide the mission. Is the mission that the dual arms need to cooperate gripping the component? Or is the mission that each arm needs to grip one component and then does the corresponding motion? And this decision system defines the potential of dual arms and the components. The potential will make the reaction vector system produce the attractive vector or the repulsive vector between the two. And then the vectors make the reaction vector system produce a movement trajectory. In the process of motion, the reaction vector system which this thesis proposed can detect the risk of the dual arm collision and produce the corresponding vector to dodge the other arm. Then the vector-based online trajectory generator is provided in the reaction vector system to smooth jerky commands. At last, applying an external guiding torque to the impedance control becomes the impedance torque control, and control the each motor of axis to reach the angle which we want. The dual-arm manipulator also finish the mission.
口試委員會審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. History 1
1.1.1. Industrial robot arms 1
1.1.2. Modular robots 5
1.1.3. Collaborative robots 6
1.2. Motivation and Objective 7
1.3. Literature Review 7
1.4. Thesis Structure 12
Chapter 2 Modularized 7-DoFs Dual-Arm Robot 14
2.1 Mechanical Design of Dual-Arm Robot 15
2.1.1. Design of Modular Robot Joint 16
2.1.2. Modular Actuator Dual-Arm Robot 20 Bilateral Symmetrical Articulated robot arm 22 Bilateral Asymmetrical Articulated robot arm 26 Head with Microsoft Kinect RGBD sensor 29 Kinect RGBD sensor 30 Robotiq Adaptive Gripper 33
2.2 Communication and Real-Time Operating System 38
2.2.1. EtherCAT 38
2.2.2. Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) 39
2.2.3. Distributed Motion Control System 41
Chapter 3 Kinematics of Manipulator 44
3.1. Spatial Descriptions and Transformation 44
3.1.1. Transformation matrix 44
3.1.2. Three-Angle Representation 45
3.1.3. Angle–Axis Representation 45
3.2. Differential Motion 50
3.3. Forward Kinematics 52
3.3.1. Forward Kinematics of Manipulators 52
3.3.2. Velocity Relationship: The Manipulator Jacobian 54
3.3.3. Kinematics Model of Modularized 7-DoFs Dual-Arm Robot 56
3.4. Inverse Kinematics of Manipulator 60
3.4.1. Numerical Solution 60 Jacobian Linearization Method 60 Singularity Avoidance Method: Damped Least Squares (DLS) 61 Joint Limit Avoidance Method: Weighted Least Norm (WLN) 62
3.4.2. Analytical Solution 64 Closed-Form Solution of 6-DoFs Manipulator 64 Analytic Solution for 7-DoFs Bilateral Symmetrical Articulated Robot Arm 68 Analytic Solution for 7-DoFs Bilateral Asymmetrical Articulated Robot arm 71
Chapter 4 Overall System Structure 76
4.1. Overall System Structure 76
4.2. Dual-Arm Robot Self-Collision Avoidance 79
4.3. Dual-Arm Robot Cooperation 79
Chapter 5 Reaction Vector System 81
5.1. Problem Statement 81
5.2. Arm Localization 81
5.3. Collision Detection 83
5.4. Reaction Vector Generator 84
5.4.1. Attractive Vector Generator 84
5.4.2. Repulsive Vector Generator 86 Repulsive Vector of Tip (RVT) 87 Repulsive Vector of Body ( RVB) 88
5.5. Vector-based Online Trajectory Generator 91
Chapter 6 Force/Torque Impedance Control System 92
6.1. Impedance Control 93
6.2. Force/Torque Impedance Control 94
6.2.1. Force/Torque Impedance Control Law 94
6.2.2. External Guiding Force/Torque 96
6.2.3. Gravity Compensation 98
Chapter 7 Potential Decision System 102
7.1. Object recognition 102
7.2. Potential Decision 103
Chapter 8 Experimental Results 104
8.1. Force/Torque Impedance Control 104
8.2. Dual-Arm Robot Self-Collision Avoidance 118
8.3. Dual-Arm Robot Cooperation 127
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Contributions 129
Chapter 10 Future Works 131
VITA 138
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