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研究生(外文):Chun-Hao Liao
論文名稱(外文):Visual Servo Control Based Robotic Conveyor Tracking and Dynamic 3D Heterogeneous Object Fetching
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:robotic vision systemobject fetchingtracking systemfactory automation
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One of the bottlenecks for manufacturing automation is the interaction between robot and humans among tasks. Robots are not able to recognize the element from the assembly line quickly and accurately just like human operators do. Besides, in recent robotic field, conveyor tracking is one of fundamental function in the robot manipulator. Once this very first step fails in the production line, the latter subsequent operations are hardly to complete.
Currently, the manufacturers solve this problem by using the vision in the environment. The robot arm now can perform the task and manipulate the work based on the precondition. Afterwards, something that may occur will be regarded as a kind of unpredictable circumstance among the task. Due to traditional static process, the condition may not only cancel the work but also have bad impacts on the environment. The problem is also about vision.
In order to solve the dilemma, the practicable way is also based on robot vision system. In traditional scenario, the object keep stable pose on the assembly line. The manipulator follows commands to grasp the object. While the target is moving on the production line, the task becomes sophisticated problems. Thus, a distinct grasping method under visual control system is definitely one of the essential solutions.
In this thesis, we propose a tracking strategy on moving objects for a robot arm object fetching system combined with distinct recognition algorithm. In addition, the grasping pose of robot arm is corrected by visual feedback system. The system is separated into two parts: eye to hand and eye in hand, and discussed in detail. Each part owns its core algorithm to complete industrial tracking and fetching tasks. Because of limitation from the environment, the working conditions will also be illustrated. Grasping pose for each type of element is adjusted by tracking and modification algorithms.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 History 1
1.1.1 Traditional industrial robot arms 1
1.1.2 Lightweight payload robot arms 2
1.2 Industrial Applications 4
1.2.1 Object fetching 5
1.2.2 Assembly 7
1.3 Challenges 7
1.3.1 Object recognition 7
1.3.2 Robot vision system 8
1.4 Thesis Structure 10
Chapter 2 Scenario 11
2.1 Experimental Setup 11
2.1.1 Scene 11
2.1.2 Faced problems 12
2.2 Procedures 12
2.3 Preconditions 14
2.3.1 Structured environment 15
2.3.2 Objects description 15
Chapter 3 System Architecture 16
3.1 Generalized Robot Fetching Architecture 16
3.2 Specialized Robot Fetching Architecture 17
3.3 Modified Robot Fetching Architecture 19
Chapter 4 Manipulator 21
4.1 Mechanism 21
4.1.1 D-H parameters 22
4.1.2 Transmission and actuator 25
4.1.3 Gripper 27
4.2 Control Architecture 30
4.3 Software Architecture 31
4.3.1 Motivation 32
4.3.2 Hardware Structure 32
4.3.3 Basic Utility 33
4.3.4 Application Layer 33
4.3.5 Timer 34
4.4 Manipulator Functionalities 35
4.4.1 Intuitive teaching by touching 35
4.4.2 Online trajectory generation 37
Chapter 5 Object Recognition 41
5.1 Point Cloud Library 41
5.2 Database Generation 42
5.3 Kinect Calibration 43
5.4 Object type and pose recognition 45
Chapter 6 Object Tracking Strategy 48
6.1 Problem Statement 48
6.2 Tracking Algorithm 49
6.2.1 Image segmentation 50
6.2.2 Position localization 51
6.2.3 Position calibration 52
6.3 Modified Grasping 52
6.3.1 Moving calibration 53
6.3.2 Pose modification 54
6.3.3 SVM database 56
Chapter 7 Experimental Results and Discussion 66
7.1 Object Recognition and Fetching 66
7.2 Object Tracking 68
7.3 Modified Grasping 72
7.3.1 Object pose modification 72
7.3.2 Classifier results 73
Chapter 8 Conclusions, Contributions and Future Works 77
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