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研究生(外文):Mong-Hsun Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Human-Robot Collaborative Task Execution with Contact and Non-Contact Obstacle Avoidance Control
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:obstacle avoidance systemsensorhuman-robot collaborationfactory automation6 DOF industrial robot manipulator
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In this paper, an industrial robot manipulator integrated repulsive and attractive vector generator in order to achieve non-contact collision avoidance is proposed. In recent years, human-robot collaboration (HRC) becomes a huge research topic because more and more manufacturers want to make industry automation by depending on collaboration between mankind and robotics in the production line. In HRC system, the working environment is shared by both machines and operators. As a result, the collision between man and robot might happen accidentally due to some reasons such as the fatigue of mankind and the manipulator‘s suddenly broken. These accidents will not only injury operators but also make great damages to high-priced and precise equipment. Therefore, the highest priority is to prevent the collision happened in order to guarantee the safety of both sides.
To solve this problem, there are two different types of methods. The first one is contact obstacle avoidance while the other one is non-contact collision avoidance. In contact algorithm, the current of the manipulator’s controller is monitored and analyzed for recognizing whether there is an extra torque applied to the robot arm. Non-contact collision avoidance is that manipulator is equipped with the skill which can sidestep operators when human step into its moving trajectory. Kinect, a RGB-D sensor, which can provide not only color data but also three dimensions position information is an appropriate choice for obstacle detection. Nevertheless, multiple cameras providing comprehensive sights for robot arm to find the objects are used in the working space because there must be some blind angles when applying just single Kinect. After the position information is transformed to reference coordinate, the vector trajectory generator (VTG) system will calculate the repulsive vector and attracting vector of each joint to the obstacle. If the combination value of two vectors surpasses the expected value, the new moving trajectory will be computed in order to avoid the collision in a short time. However, the collision accident might happen if the robot’s velocity or acceleration is too swift no matter how rapid the collision avoidance algorithm responds. Therefore, to minimize the probability of collision, the deceleration model is implemented. By using background variation method, VTG can deaccelerate the speed of manipulator when any external obstacle is detected by dual cameras immediately.
In the experiment scenario, an industrial manipulator which has 16-kilogram payload is developed by our laboratory, NTU-iCeiRA. The task was to pick processing article up and place it on the platform. The linear speed of robot motion declined to original’s 50 percent while any external obstacles were detected by perception system. Also, collision avoidance algorithm was implemented by VTG when any object approached robot arm. The experiment result shows that VTG has the real time and extensive reaction to avoid collision happening by producing new reaction vector from the calculation of repulsive vector and attracting vector.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Era of Robotics 1
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 Objective 5
1.4 Literature Review 6
1.4.1 Collision Avoidance 6
1.4.2 Trajectory Planning 8
1.5 Thesis Organization 10
Chapter 2 Overall System Structure 11
2.1 Robot Manipulator 12
2.2 Perception System 12
2.3 Obstacle Algorithm 14
2.4 Deceleration Model 15
2.5 Manipulator Reaction 15
2.6 Trajectory Planning 16
Chapter 3 Robot Manipulator – 6 DoF Industrial Robot 17
3.1 The Model of Manipulator 17
3.1.1 Denavit-Hartenberg parameters 17
3.1.2 Synchronized motion 19
3.1.3 Revolute-Revolute-Spherical (R-R-S) model 20
3.2 Spatial Descriptions and Transformation 21
3.2.1 Transformation matrix 21
3.2.2 Three-angle representation 22
3.2.3 Angle-Axis Representation 23
3.3 Manipulator Forward Kinematics 25
3.3.1 Forward kinematics of a manipulator 25
3.3.2 Velocity relationship: The manipulator jacobian 28
3.4 Manipulator Inverse Kinematics 29
3.4.1 Numerical solution 30
3.4.2 Analytic solution for iCeiRA 6 DoF Robot Manipulator 33
3.5 The Representative Points of Manipulator 37
3.6 Singularity 38
Chapter 4 Perception System with Kinect RGB-D Sensor 39
4.1 3D Exteroceptive Sensor 39
4.2 Calibration between Manipulator and Kinect 41
4.2.1 Corner algorithm 42
4.3 Manipulator Detection and Elimination 45
4.3.1 Manipulator detection 45
4.3.2 Manipulator elimination 46
4.4 Acceleration of Detection 46
4.5 Detection Obstacles Approach 47
Chapter 5 Obstacles Avoidance Algorithm for Non-Contact and Contact 49
5.1 Non-Contact Obstacles Avoidance Algorithm with Dual Kinects 49
5.1.1 Collision detection scenario 51
5.1.2 Repulsive vector 52
5.1.3 Attracting vector 55
5.1.4 Moving vector with dual cameras 56
5.2 Contact Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm 58
Chapter 6 Deceleration Model of the Manipulator 61
6.1.1 Background variation method 61
6.1.2 Skeleton model 63
Chapter 7 Manipulator Reaction 65
7.1 Non-Contact 65
7.1.1 Translation mode 65
7.1.2 Rotation mode 66
7.2 Contact Reaction 66
Chapter 8 Experiment 67
8.1 Experimental Setup 67
8.2 Calibration 69
8.3 Experimental Result 70
8.3.1 Deceleration model 70
8.3.2 Non-Contact collision avoidance 72
8.3.3 Contact collision avoidance 78
Chapter 9 Collision and Future Works 81
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