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研究生(外文):Sung-Chi Li
論文名稱(外文):Speeding up DSMGA-II with heterogeneous parallelisms
指導教授(外文):Tian-Li Yu
外文關鍵詞:DSMGA-IIHeterogeneous computingparallelizationCUDA
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DSMGA-II has good performances on many benchmark problems. DSMGA-II builds a model by detecting the problem structure and uses two mixing operators to generate better offsprings. The model building is one of the factors to achieve such performances. However, this process is time-consuming. Two mixing operators also take plenty of time when evaluating the fitness function.

This thesis aims to use parallelisms on two heterogeneous computing platforms to speed up the model building process and the two mixing operators. I use GPU to parallelize the model building process and CPU to parallelize two mixing operators. I propose two speedup schemes for model building. The first scheme is algorithmically identical to the original DSMGA-II, and the second scheme sacrifices some model accuracy for further speedup. As for speeding up mixing operators, I use CPU instead of GPU to perform parallelization due to the core ability and also use it to parallelize the mixing operators with lossy implementations. On several commonly used benchmark problems, the speedup on CPU and GPU are stable, and the largest theoretical applicable proble size is up to about 24 thousand bits.

MBGA is hard to be parallelized due to the model building process. However, this thesis shows a possibility to gain huge speedup by combining two heterogeneous parallelisms and lossy designs.
口試委員會審定書 iii
Acknowledgements v
誌謝 vii
摘要 ix
Abstract xi

1 Introduction 1
3 Parallel Techniques 11
3.1 CUDA.................................... 12
3.1.1 Background............................. 12
3.1.2 ProgrammingModel ........................ 13
3.1.3 Design Constraints and Optimization Guidelines . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 OpenMP................................... 17
3.2.1 Background............................. 17
3.2.2 ProgrammingModel ........................ 18
4 Speedup the Model Building 21
4.1 ExperimentsSettings ............................ 21
4.1.1 HardwareSpecifications ...................... 21
4.1.2 TestProblems............................ 22
4.2 CUDABasedSpeedup ........................... 25
4.2.1 Flow ................................ 25
4.2.2 FastCounting ............................ 26
4.3 LosslessScheme .............................. 28 4.3.1 SpeedUpBuildingDSM...................... 28
4.3.2 SpeedUpBuildingLinkageModel ................ 29
4.3.3 ExperimentResults......................... 31
4.3.4 TheoreticalAnalysis ........................ 33
4.4 LossyScheme:DSMGA-IIwithLMA................... 36
4.4.1 DesignConcept........................... 37
4.4.2 ExperimentResults......................... 39
5 Further Speedup with CPU Parallelism 43
5.1 ParallelImplementation........................... 43
5.1.1 LosslessSpeedups ......................... 44
5.1.2 Lossy Speedups on Mixing Operators: DSMGA-II with LMA PlusMP............................... 47
5.2 SpeedupResultsofDSMGA-IIwithLMAplusMP . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.3 ScalabilityofDSMGA-IIwithLMAplusMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6 Conclusions............................... 59
A Unsuccessful Trials 61
Bibliography 65
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