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研究生(外文):Tang Lee
論文名稱(外文):Cross-Domain Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval by View Sequence Learning
外文關鍵詞:3D ShapeConvolutional Neural NetworkTriplet Neural NetworkCross-Domain Metric Learning
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我們提出一個用於跨領域基於自然圖片之三維模型搜尋的方法,可端對端學習圖片及三維模型共同的特徵空間。我們可根據圖片和三維模型之相似度搜尋,相似度則可由二者在特徵空間中的距離求得。首先,我們提出一個三維模型的特徵抽取方法,稱為跨視圖卷積 (cross-view convolution, CVC)。跨視圖卷積將三維模型之不同角度的二維視圖特徵根據其順序結合,以得出三維模型的整體特徵。為拉近二維自然圖片特徵和三維模型特徵之間領域的差異,我們提出了跨領域 三元神經網路 (cross-domain triplet neural network, CDTNN)。該模型在類神經網路中加入一個轉換層,使得圖片特徵經過轉換後能直接與三維模型特徵比較。該模型可以端對端地訓練。最後,我們提出加速版本的跨領域三元神經網路訓練的方法,大幅減少訓練時間。為實驗模型有效性,我們建立了一個龐大的資料集,其中包含自然圖片和三維模型。實驗結果顯示,我們的方法勝過其他當前最好的方法。同時我們也實驗了各種不同的網路結構設計,以減少記憶體及計算資源的使用。
We propose a cross-domain image-based 3D shape retrieval method, which learns a joint embedding space for natural images and 3D shapes in an end-to-end manner. The similarities between images and 3D shapes can be computed as the distances in this embedding space. To better encode a 3D shape, we propose a new feature aggregation method, Cross-View Convolution (CVC), which models a 3D shape as a sequence of rendered views. For bridging the gaps between images and 3D shapes, we propose a Cross-Domain Triplet Neural Network (CDTNN) that incorporates an adaptation layer to match the features from different domains better and can be trained end-to-end. In addition, we speed up the triplet training process by presenting a new fast cross-domain triplet neural network architecture. We evaluate our method on a new image to 3D shape dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of retrieval performance. We also provide in-depth analysis of various design choices to further reduce the memory storage and computational cost.
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
3 Method 7
3.1 3D Shape Representation 7
3.2 Cross-View Convolution (CVC) 7
3.3 Jointly Embedding Images and 3D Shapes 9
3.3.1 Adaptation Layer 9
3.3.2 Fast Cross-Domain Triplet Neural Network 10
3.4 Implementation 12
3.5 Data Preprocessing 12
4 Experiments 13
4.1 Dataset 13
4.2 3D Shape Classification 13
4.3 Image-based 3D Shape Retrieval 14
4.4 Ablation Study 17
5 Conclusions 19
References 20
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