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研究生(外文):Chih-Chien Chien
論文名稱(外文):Marker Based 3D Image Finite Element Model Simulation of Liver Deformation and Cutting
指導教授(外文):Yung-Yaw Chen
外文關鍵詞:finite element analysisimage-guided surgeryliver deformation and resectionmarker registrationfeature matching
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In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), surgeon reviews the CT scan images before surgery to know the position of vessels and tumors. During the surgery, the video stream from endoscopic camera is the only information of liver structure providing to surgeon. However, the preoperative information is not trustworthy because liver is deformed or even cut by different surgical procedures.
In this thesis, a finite element model is used to calculate the deformation and cutting of live during the surgery. Preoperative model is built from CT image, and intraoperative data is partial liver surface from RGB-D endoscopic camera. We use marker spread on the liver surface to register intraoperative data to preoperative model and compute the model structure change to simulate the surgical procedure. After finite element computation, the intraoperative vessels and tumor position is acquired. With the help of this internal structure computation system, surgeon can operate surgical instruments more efficiency and reduce the risk. Our approach is validated through simulation and ex vivo experiment for performance of deformation and simulation for performance of cutting.
誌謝……… i
中文摘要… iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Problem Definition 2
1.2 Previous Work of the Computation of Non-Rigid Tissue Deformation and Cutting 5
1.3 Our Approach 7
1.4 Thesis Overview 10
Chapter 2 Finite Element Analysis Computation 11
2.1 Principle of Finite Element Analysis 12
2.2 Finite Element Analysis by Abaqus 15
Chapter 3 Computation on Non-rigid Tissue Deformation and Cutting 19
3.1 Computation on Non-Rigid Tissue Deformation 21
3.2 Computation on Non-Rigid Tissue Cutting 29
3.3 Summary 33
Chapter 4 Finite Element Model Based Internal Structure Computation 34
4.1 System Overview 36
4.2 Preoperative Model Construction 38
4.3 Intraoperative Data Acquirement 47
4.4 Surface Marker Registration 49
4.5 Feature Matching Method 53
4.6 Cutting and Deformation Computation 57
Chapter 5 Validation by Simulation 61
5.1 Simulation of Deformation 62
5.2 Simulation of Cutting 68
5.3 Discussions 83
Chapter 6 Liver Deformation Experiment 85
6.1 Experiment Setup 86
6.2 Result of Experiment 92
6.3 Discussions and Comparison 99
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work 105
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