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研究生(外文):Tien-Yen Yang
論文名稱(外文):Study and Implementation of Micro PMU Using Embedded Controller
外文關鍵詞:Discrete Fourier transform(DFT)harmonic pollutionphasor measurement unitcomplex-valued least squaresSmart Discrete Fourier Transform(SDFT)GPSIEEE1588T-WAMS
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隨著越來越多非線性負載存在於電力系統中,諧波和雜訊的干擾也隨之增加,因此在計算電力系統頻率與相量時,需要將這些雜訊濾除,現今有非常多頻率計算演算法被提出,其中DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform)計算頻率的演算法是一項強大的工具,可以用來精準地計算出電力系統中的頻率,但DFT在計算頻率與相量時仍會受到些許的雜訊干擾,為了解決這項問題,本論文採用高性能頻率(Frequency)/向量 (Angle)計算演算法- SDFT(Smart Discrete Fourier Transform),可提高頻率與相量計算的精準度,在SDFT演算法中考慮視窗點數,計算出複數最小方差值得出頻率與相量,以濾除雜訊,並在最後討論SDFT中的最佳視窗點數和精準度之間的關係,本文將SDFT應用在微型相量量測器(Micro Phasor Measurement Unit,μPMU)計算電力系統的頻率與相量,使其在有限的計算時間內精準計算出頻率與相量,討論不同演算法在微型相量量測器之實驗結果,在最後完成μPMU新功能,分別有以GPS時間戳和IEEE1588網路時間戳之雙時間同步功能、網路傳輸功能以及以μPMU為基礎之台灣廣域量測系統。
With the increasing use of nonlinear loads in power systems, the harmonic pollution and noise effect become more serious. Therefore, when detecting the frequency of the power system, it is necessary to filter out the noise. Many algorithms of frequency detection have been proposed and the Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) algorithm is a powerful tool that can be used to accurately calculate the frequency in the power system. But DFT will still suffer a little noise effect. In order to solve this problem, this paper adopts the Smart Discrete Fourier Transform (SDFT). SDFT (Smart Discrete Fourier Transform) is used to improve the accuracy of the frequency detection. In the SDFT algorithm, the SDFT (Smart Discrete Fourier Transform) considering the number of window size to calculate the least square error, and calculate the frequency to solve the problem of noise effect. This paper will discuss the best number of window size to SDFT and the relationship between the precision and window size. This paper will apply SDFT algorithm in the Micro Phasor Measurement Unit (μPMU) to calculate the frequency of the power system and discusses the experimental results in the μPMU with different algorithms. In addition, the paper introduces the new function of μPMU, respectively, with GPS timestamp, IEEE1588 network timestamp and Taiwan-Wide Area Measurement System(T-WAMS) based on μPMU.
中文摘要 i
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 1
1-2 研究目標 2
1-3 文獻回顧討論 2
1-4 論文架構 4
第二章 微型相量量測器與網路系統 5
2-1 硬體架構 5
2-2 軟體架構 9
2-3 核心演算法 Smart DFT 11
2-4 雙時間戳記來源 19
2-5 微型相量量測器傳輸模式與原理 23
2-6 台灣廣域量測系統(T-WAMS) 27

第三章 微型相量量測器實驗結果 28
3-1 時間同步-GPS 28
3-2 SDFT應用於微型相量量測 31
3-2-1 SDFT電腦模擬 31
3-2-2 SDFT在微型相量量測器之實驗結果呈現 35
3-2-3 最佳視窗點數與運算時間探討 43
3-3 回傳結果與數據傳輸 53
第四章 結論與未來工作 57
4-1 結論 57
4-2 未來工作 58
參考文獻 59
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