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研究生(外文):Shih-Chun You
論文名稱(外文):On the Masking Countermeasure against Second-Order DPA
指導教授(外文):Chen-Mou Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Linear Congruential GeneratorSide Channel AnalysisMaskingSecond Order DPATiming Attack
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遮罩防護需要使用亂數產生器。於此研究中,我們研究線性同餘法生成的亂 數用於遮罩防禦時,是否和其他密碼學應用上安全的亂數產生器有同等強度的效 果,以及可能的旁道分析攻擊方法,並且為這些可能的攻擊提出解決方法。我們 發現遮罩防護不需要用到密碼學應用上安全的亂數產生器,一個加上旁通道防護 的線性同餘亂數產生器就已經足夠安全。 另外,我們也根據實作二階差分能量分 析攻擊的經驗,提出一個可以抵擋二階差分能量分析攻擊的特化遮罩防護方法。
Masking countermeasures need random number generators. In this research, we study about whether it is at the same secure level to use linear congruential generators to generate masks compared to other cryptographically secure pseudo random number generators. After analyzing some possible kinds of side channel analysis on linear congruential generators and finding out some countermeasures against them, we find that it is not necessary to use cryptographically secure pseudo random number generators in a masking countermeasure, and a linear congruential generator with countermeasures are secure enough. Besides, with the experience of performing second order differential power analysis, we provide a specialized masking countermeasure strategy to resist second order differential power analysis.
1 Introduction................................................................. 1
1.1 Motivation............................................................. 1
1.2 Our Contributions...................................................... 2
1.3 Chapters Introduction.................................................. 3

2 Preliminaries................................................................ 4
2.1 Linear Congruential Generator.......................................... 4
2.1.1 Lehmer Generator................................................. 4
2.2 Side Channel Analysis and Power Analysis............................... 5
2.2.1 Timing Attack.................................................... 6
2.2.2  Differential Power Analysis...................................... 7
2.2.3 Vertical and Horizontal Power Analysis........................... 8
2.3 Countermeasures against SCA............................................ 9
2.3.1 Avoid Conditional Statement...................................... 9
2.3.2 Countermeasures against DPA...................................... 9 

3 Attacks on Masking.......................................................... 11
3.1 Second-Order DPA...................................................... 11
3.1.1 Types of 2O-DPA................................................. 12
3.1.2 Combination..................................................... 13
3.1.3 Search Space of 2O-DPA.......................................... 13
3.1.4 Countermeasures of 2O-DPA....................................... 14
3.2  Two-Stage Attack...................................................... 15 

4  Security Issues of LCG in Masking Countermeasure............................ 16
4.1  Statistic Issues...................................................... 16
4.2  Cryptographic Security Issues......................................... 16
4.3  Side Channel Issues................................................... 17
4.3.1 Leakage in Masking Preprocessing................................ 18
4.3.2 Leakage Attached on the Intermediate Values..................... 18

5  LCG Countermeasures against Timing Attacks.................................. 19
5.1  Timing Leakage of LCG................................................. 19
5.1.1 Two Sizes of Intervals.......................................... 19
5.1.2 Timing Leakage in AVR Division.................................. 20
5.2  Attacks by Timing Leakage............................................. 22
5.3  A Revised LCG without Timing Leakage.................................. 24
5.3.1  Remove Redundant Part 1......................................... 24
5.3.2  Using Shift to Rewrite the Division in Part 2................... 25
5.3.3  Using MSB to Choose Output in Part 3............................ 26
5.3.4  Result.......................................................... 26

6  LCG Countermeasures against DPA............................................. 28
6.1 The Dilemma........................................................... 28
6.2 Difference of Means Attack on LCG..................................... 29
6.3 Possible Countermeasures.............................................. 30 

7  LCG Masking against Second-Order DPA........................................ 32
7.1 Simulations........................................................... 32
7.1.1 Conditions of the Simulations................................... 32
7.1.2  Key Recovering in Masked AES-128................................ 33 

7.1.3  Key Recovering in Masked AES-128 with Random Shuffling.......... 33 

7.2  Real Experiment....................................................... 36 

8  Suggestions against Second-Order DPA........................................ 38
8.1  Random Shuffling...................................................... 38 

8.2  Fix the Hamming Weight of Masks....................................... 38
8.2.1 Using Subsets of Masks.......................................... 38
8.2.2 Biased Masks Attack Issue....................................... 39
8.2.3 2O-DPA Results.................................................. 40 

9  Conclusion.................................................................. 42 

Bibliography................................................................... 43

Appendix A. Results of Second-Order DPA........................................ 47

Appendix B. Poor Shuffling Examples............................................ 50
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